TSC 2021-06-07
Meeting Time: 11:00 AM PT / 06:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)
BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/93429247977?pwd=ZUR0ZUw2YmtHUEs4QWNWcEpET2ZFdz09
Meeting Recording: 2021-06-07
Antitrust Disclaimer
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
Time | Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
5 | Welcome |
| |
10 | Announcement and Issues |
| Project Alvarium is spinning up, working on a Data Confidence Fabric. Dell, Zededa, and others involved. Looking to see if there are synergies with Open Horizon. Would you like a presentation at an upcoming TSC meeting? Met with Open Planet Education Network, which is doing work in Africa around water and agriculture in conjunction with Helium. We're exploring opportunities for Open Horizon to collaborate with them, possibly in SmartAg SIG among others. |
2 | Documentation Working Group | @Joe Pearson | Working on second Mermaid example (dynamic chart generation) with numbered steps. Next up, interactive Swagger documentation based on JSON. |
2 | Agent Working Group | @David Booz | Wrapping up Vault integration. Deb has been working as a mentee with the LFX Mentorship program and just finished his Spring 2021 term. He completed several defect issues in more than one repo. And he worked on deploying credentials to the edge with a secrets manager implemented with Vault. This involved deep API integration with Open Horizon. |
2 | Management Hub Working Group | @bp (Deactivated) |
2 | Examples Working Group | @Troy Fine |
2 | DevOps Working Group | @Ben Courliss |
2 | QA & Testing Working Group | @Jon McGuire (Deactivated) |
3 | Outreach Working Group | @sbowlin (Deactivated) |
5 | Upcoming Events | @Joe Pearson or @Aaron Williams | Several upcoming CFP opportunities, June 15 and June 20 deadlines. Open Horizon's China Manufacturing SIG will be presenting at the upcoming RISC-V conference. They'll be presenting on Thursday, June 24th at 1:40pm local time on "Autonomous Management of Edge Applications on RISC-V & Heterogeneous Edge Environment". |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
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Voting Template
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