Meeting Recording: TBA
Antitrust Disclaimer
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
@Ben Courliss | | | | |
@Nathan Phelps | | | @badek | |
@David Booz | | | @sbowlin (Deactivated) | |
@Joe Pearson (TSC Chair) | | | @Troy Fine | |
| | | |
| Welcome | | slides |
| Decisions | | Do Maintainers have privileges on only certain repositories, or can they merge in any/all repos in the project? If only certain repos, then we should have a `` file in each repo as opposed to a single file in a central location. DWG is automating creation of central `` list, and per LF Edge guidelines will separate into "Active" and "Emeritus" Contributors. Recommendation for demarcation is one year since last contribution. Is that acceptable or should we use another metric?
| Documentation Working Group | | We've added issue and PR templates to our repos. Do you want us to add them to yours? We've been working on Best Practices for documentation writing. When we're ready, we'll work w/WGs to maintain yours in your /docs folders. We've worked w/Mgmt Hub WG to identify their five repos. We'll want to do the same with the other WGs. If you already have this list, please post it in the Docs chat room.
| Agent Working Group | | Went over status of mimik code contribution Reviewed sub-workgroup for Accuknox integration POC IBM gave update on automatic agent upgrade, possible demo in 4-6 weeks.
| Management Hub Working Group | | |
| Examples Working Group | | Onboarded our new mentee Ruchi Pakhle Gave her a set of tasks to learn OH before diving into some "good first issues" Several new PRs (from new contributors) into both GitHub projects (open-horizon and open-horizon-services)
| DevOps Working Group | | |
| Outreach Working Group | | |
| Upcoming Events | | |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
Votes (template below)
TSC Voting to Approve Active Contributors wording:
Motion: @Joe Pearson That Active Contributors be defined as persons who have become a Contributor by having at least one PR merged, and remain active by either having a PR merged or approving and merging a PR in the last six months.
SL No. | Voting Member | Member Company | Y/N/A |
| @Ben Courliss | | Y |
| @Nathan Phelps | | Y |
| @David Booz | | Y |
| @Joe Pearson | | Y |
| @badek | | |
| @sbowlin (Deactivated) | | Y |
| @Troy Fine | | Y |
Zoom Chat Log
Voting Template
TSC Voting to Approve XYZ:
SL No. | Voting Member | Member Company | Y/N/A |
| @Ben Courliss | | |
| @Nathan Phelps | | |
| @David Booz | | |
| @Joe Pearson | | |
| @badek | | |
| @sbowlin (Deactivated) | | |
| @Troy Fine | | |