TSC 2020-10-12
Meeting Time: 07:00 AM PT / 02:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)
BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/93429247977?pwd=ZUR0ZUw2YmtHUEs4QWNWcEpET2ZFdz09
Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/b8LbW0BPaQ3IL5p7SJtQcLaPibecRpbeKvFUetQtYA6FBh6do3y-FU_q5QBXBTlu.b2iaTXTzc4d55WdT
(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/TSC+2020-03-12)
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
Time | Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
5 | Welcome |
15 | Announcement and Issues | @Joe Pearson | Mentorship Update ONES Readout CII badging Automated DCO check for all repos Webinar in November |
2 | Sub-committee Chair Update
| @Joe Pearson | Issues: Backlog: 2 (-2), In Progress: 3, Complete: 14 (+2) ›Issue 15: Populate get-technical-support.md ›Thank you, Edidiong. First PR merged! ›Issue 16: Populate report-an-issue.md ›Thank you, Clement. First PR merged! |
2 | Sub-committee Chair Update
| @David Booz |
2 | Sub-committee Chair Update
| @bp (Deactivated) |
2 | Sub-committee Chair Update
| @Troy Fine |
2 | Sub-committee Chair Update
| @cgiroua@us.ibm.com |
2 | Sub-committee Chair Update
| @Jon McGuire (Deactivated) |
3 | Sub-committee Chair Update
10 | Available Slot |
5 | Upcoming Events | @Joe Pearson or @Aaron Williams |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
Votes (template below)
Zoom Chat Log
Voting Template
TSC Voting to Approve XYZ: