TSC 2022-09-26
Meeting Time: 11:00 AM PT / 06:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)
BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/97664979962?pwd=TlY3dUk4K0Y3WnZXMjVMeisreGRkQT09
Meeting Recording: 37 minutes
Antitrust Disclaimer
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
Time | Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
5 | Welcome |
| |
10 | Announcement and Issues |
10 | Decisions |
2 | Documentation Working Group | @Joe Pearson or @John Walicki (Deactivated) |
2 | Agent Working Group | @David Booz |
2 | Management Hub Working Group | @Nathan Phelps proxy | Exchange Completed: - Ability to create hub admins on start-up in config - Ability to define an account id for the root org on start-up - Dependency fix (org.scoverage update was causing jenkins test build to crash) IN Progress: - Feature Request: add "clusterNamespace" attribute for node, business policy, and pattern - Resource change node response bug fix for HA groups Port SDO to FDO Completed: - Preliminary meeting with devops regarding building fdo in a cluster environment - Coverage testing of FDO and its APIs - Reported a Transfer of ownership protocol 0 software deficiency found while testing FDO process and its APIs - Agreed upon a proposed solution from Intel and Fido, the process for implementation has begun - Met with Intel about SDO support lifespan and the need to support IBM privately In Progress: - Code refactoring - README updates - Integrating Exchange certificate for authentication |
2 | Examples Working Group | @Troy Fine |
2 | DevOps Working Group | @Ben Courliss |
3 | Outreach Working Group | @sbowlin (Deactivated) |
5 | Upcoming Events | @Joe Pearson |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
Votes (template below)
TSC Voting to Approve accepting the code contribution from Accuknox of "kubearmor-integration" repository and related documentation, as well as ongoing commitment of 8 hr/week resource:
Motion: @David Booz
Second: @Ben Courliss
TSC Voting to Approve Accuknox contribution is "material" and they are thus invited to join Open Horizon as a project Partner and voting member of the TSC:
Motion: @David Booz
Second: @sbowlin (Deactivated)
Zoom Chat Log
Voting Template
TSC Voting to Approve XYZ: