TSC 2022-11-07
Meeting Time: 11:00 AM PT / 06:00 PM UTC (See call time in different zones)
BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/97664979962?pwd=TlY3dUk4K0Y3WnZXMjVMeisreGRkQT09
Meeting Recording: 34 minutes
Antitrust Disclaimer
Attended | Proxy (w/ @name) | Gov. Holiday | Did Not Attend |
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
Time | Agenda Items | Presented By | Presos/Notes/Links/ |
5 | Welcome | @Joe Pearson | |
10 | Announcement and Issues | @Joe Pearson |
10 | Decisions | @Joe Pearson |
2 | Documentation Working Group | @John Walicki (Deactivated) |
2 | Agent Working Group | @David Booz |
2 | Management Hub Working Group | @Nathan Phelps |
2 | Examples Working Group | @Troy Fine |
2 | DevOps Working Group | @Ben Courliss |
3 | Outreach Working Group | @sbowlin (Deactivated) |
5 | Upcoming Events | @Joe Pearson |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
Votes (template below)
TSC Voting to merge the DevOps Working Group into the Management Hub Working Group, which will also remove the DevOps WG voting position from the TSC:
Motion: @David Booz
Second: @Ben Courliss
Zoom Chat Log
Voting Template