Project EdgeGallery

Project EdgeGallery

Recording of TAC Subgroup Review Meeting 1: https://zoom.us/rec/share/lTL3k4VnmpCtffR68O4SLScnnqAXvLzDOlRjEzlfeh9Eo6VqcQEIbAfAp3L6mXNR.RPtA1caEmmF1QHYi

Recording of TAC Subgroup Review Meeting 2: https://zoom.us/rec/share/y0BYWags7CQimPOyJVu_CbZgNtjgiShNhe1pzlpV7wSX4aixkBr1Pv6eqy-vGgKn.pAe4amc-IodXLBoJ

Required Information

Responses (Please list N/A if not applicable)

Name of Project

Project EdgeGallery

Project Description (what it does, why it is valuable, origin and history)

The EdgeGallery community focuses on the MEC platform framework of the carrier network’s edge. It builds the basic framework of MEC edge resources, applications, security and management, and de facto standards of network openness services through open-source collaboration, and implements interconnection with the public cloud. A unified MEC application ecosystem is constructed based on compatibility with heterogeneous edge infrastructures.

Useful Links

Statement on alignment with Foundation Mission Statement

Project EdgeGallery is well-aligned with LF Edge's mission to foster industry collaboration, scale the adoption of edge computing and harmonize the MEC ecosystem. It enables MEC edge resources and applications, whilst providing both security and management capabilities. It also offers interconnectivity with the public cloud. The result is the creation of a unified MEC application ecosystem, which we believe is best for carriers' heterogeneous edge infrastructure.

High level assessment of project synergy with existing projects under LF Edge, including how the project compliments/overlaps with existing projects, and potential ways to harmonize over time. Responses may be included both here and/or in accompanying documentation.

EdgeGallery is highly complementary to existing LF Edge projects. It has connections with Akraino regarding integration BPs and API definitions. Its architecture could integrate EdgeX、Open Horizon, EVE into its MEP PaaS sub-system and already has Fledge and eKuiper integrated to support IIoT scenario.  In addition, the commercial deployment of EdgeGallery could help LF Edge Projects be more widely used in Carrier's networks.

Link to current Code of Conduct

We would adopt the LF Edge Code of Conduct

2 TAC Sponsors, if identified (Sponsors help mentor projects) - See full definition on Project Stages: Definitions and Expectations

Yachen Wang (Tencent), Jianguo Zeng (Huawei)

Project license

Apache 2.0

Source control (GitHub by default)


Issue tracker (GitHub by default)


External dependencies (including licenses)

Release methodology and mechanics

New Release will be published every 3 months.

  • The release labels is linked in github/gitee system

  • Test cases, security rules, CI gates will be updated during 1st month of every release

  • Releases will be published when all the issues are properly fixed.

Names of initial committers, if different from those submitting proposal

  • TSC: 于洋 (Huawei, Yang Yu), 徐雷 (China Unicom, Lei Xu), 刘芷若 (CAICT, Zhiruo Liu), 丁韩宇 (CMCC, Hanyu Ding), 龚永生 (Jiuzhou Cloud, Yongsheng Gong), 刘辉 (PMLabs, Hui Liu), 袁国平 (DAS-Security, Guopinig Yuan), 陈炜 (Tencent, Wei Chen)

Current number of code contributors to proposed project

Statistcs of EdgeGallery on 09112021:

  • Code repo: 15940 commits, 49 repos, 362 contributors

  • Project Team: 2481 issues, 1326 comments,109 users

Current number of organizations contributing to proposed project

EdgeGallery currently has 8 senior members and 24 members contributing to the community

Briefly describe the project's leadership team and decision-making process

EdgeGallery community is organized similarly to any LF project. It has Board, TSC, secretariat, working group, and projects. Board and TSC do the decisions, as others focusing on technical tasks.

  • Board Committe: 曹蓟光 (CAICT Jiguang Cao), 陈丹 (China Unicom, Dan Chen), 温亮生 (CMCC, Liangsheng Wen), 任旭东 (Huangwei, Xudong Ren),王亚晨 (Tencent, Yachen Wang), 李开 (Jiuzhou Cloud, Kai Li), 黄韬 (PMLabs, Tao Huang), 林明峰 (DAS-Security, Mingfeng Lin)

  • TSC: 于洋 (Huawei, Yang Yu), 徐雷 (China Unicom, Lei Xu), 刘芷若 (CAICT, Zhiruo Liu), 丁韩宇 (CMCC, Hanyu Ding), 龚永生 (Jiuzhou Cloud, Yongsheng Gong), 刘辉 (PMLabs, Hui Liu), 袁国平 (DAS-Security, Guopinig Yuan), 陈炜 (Tencent, Wei Chen)

List of project's official communication channels (slack, irc, mailing lists)


Link to project's website


Links to social media accounts


Existing financial sponsorship

Currently being funded by community members

Infrastructure needs or requests (to include GitHub/Gerrit, CI/CD, Jenkins, Nexus, JIRA, other ...)

Github+Jenkins integration for CI/CD, part-time consulting role from LF would be helpful. 

Currently Supported Architecture

Linux (x86/64, ARM) 

Planned Architecture Support

Linux (x86/64, ARM) 

Project logo in svg format (see https://github.com/lf-edge/lfedge-landscape#logos for guidelines)

Trademark status

Already applied

Does the project have a Core Infrastructure Initiative security best practices badge? (See: https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org)

Not yet

Any additional information the TAC and Board should take into consideration when reviewing your proposal?

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