Meetup and Event Resources

Upcoming Events

A list of upcoming events that LF Edge will be participating in can be found at

LF Edge Meetups/Events: Available Support

The LF Edge community is growing quickly, including our meetups across the globe. This page serves as a guide for those who are interested in starting, or presenting LF Edge (including LF Edge Projects), at a local meetup. We’ll work to build this out with the community over time. We strongly encourage and support the community in presenting LF Edge. Below please find currently available resources/templates:

Where to Present

  • While the community is certainly welcome to start up new LF Edge meetup groups, we might recommend leveraging existing IoT Meetups

LF Edge Sponsorship

  • LF Edge will fund/sponsor the talk in which LF Edge (and/or a hosted LF Edge Project) is scheduled to be presented

    • Up to $250 for F&B, once per Meetup group, per quarter

    • Submit receipt/s to, along with URL of the Meetup event (showing LF Edge as a featured topic), and completed reimbursement form

Meetup Marketing & Promotion


  • An LF Edge Overview Deck and Getting Involved Guide are available under the Resources menu on

  • Additional Resources/Templates (including individual project overview decks) are available on the Wiki under Project Resources / Templates

  • We encourage groups to post Past Presentation Decks below (photos optional) for the Community to leverage

  • If you videotape your Meetup presentation, please share it with so that we may consider for addition to an upcoming LF Edge YouTube channel


  • We certainly welcome additions/edits/feedback to this page as best practices are learned from the Community


Past Meetups

The list below shows a sample of the community footprint. While we encourage groups to post photos/presentations post-Meetup, not all make it here.


EdgeX @ Tokyo, Japan - February 6, 2020: IoT challenges and EdgeX introduction - for sharing.pdf

EdgeX @ Campina Grande, PB (Brazil) - September 15, 2018:

EdgeX @ Tokyo, Japan, Jul 3, 2018:  EdgeXJun2018-withUC.pdf

EdgeX @ Beijing, China, Jun 27, 2018:  

EdgeX @ Austin IoT Meetup, Nov 28, 2017:  Presentation