Project Annual Reviews

Project Annual Reviews


The goal of the LF Edge Annual Review Process is to provide a Project Health Assessment. Health indicators shall include a quantifiable review against their current Stage expectations and acceptance criteria (meets/needs improvement/missing).

Understanding that the goal for any Project should be to advance towards Stage 3 (Impact), the TAC community will work with the Project to help address items tagged needs improvement/missing, providing consult and share best practices as part of the Review Process.

The TAC shall provide feedback as to whether the submitting Project is meeting current Stage requirements. Additionally, if the submitting Project has intentions to advance to the next Stage in the upcoming year, the TAC shall provide input as to progress towards the requirements for acceptance into the next stage.

Results of the Annual Review Process shall be posted to the Wiki.

LF Edge Project Annual Review

All LF Edge projects are subject to an annual review by the TAC. This is intended to be a lightweight process to ensure that projects are on track, and getting the support they need.

To keep it lightweight, it is a single phase process - the review doesn't require TAC subgroups. The review document is shared with the community and TAC members can comment on each review, as can any other community member. The intention is to quickly reach a position where TAC members can accurately assess the health of a Project as a snapshot in time.

Projects that have undergone a successful Stage Advancement within the last 12 months shall be due for a review 12 months after the completion of the Stage Advancement process.

How to file your annual review

LF Edge staff will notify the current TSC Chair when the project review is due. The last Review Date is also available on the TAC Wiki page

Project leaders are responsible for agreeing between them who will complete the annual review. The TSC Chair should create the review on the LF Edge Wiki under LF Edge Projects / Project Annual Reviews.

  • Create a new page using the Annual Review Template (link below) - email info@lfedge.org if you need assistance creating a new page

  • Complete the template, providing external links if/where appropriate.

  • Send an email to the TAC mailing list so that the community knows the Annual Review is there and can review prior to TAC presentation.

  • Work with LF Edge staff to schedule a 20 minute Annual Review presentation on an upcoming TAC call.

Comments are welcome on the Annual Review Wiki page, as well as in the TAC meeting where Review is read out.


(note: You need to be logged in, via a web browser, to Create Page using the link above. If you need to create an account, you may do so at https://identity.linuxfoundation.org/)

Review Outcomes

The outcome of the annual review is either:

  • At least two TAC members agree to continue to sponsor the project, or

  • The TAC will work with you to find new Sponsors, or

  • If enough TAC members don’t agree to continue to sponsor the project, we will discuss archiving or other next steps with you.

Additionally, the TAC might recommend that you apply for the next stage. This requires extra work and due diligence so it’s not a possible outcome directly from this lightweight annual review.

It is fine for projects to stay in the At Large indefinitely while it is still active, but if a project has genuinely stalled we can save everyone’s effort by archiving it.

If gaps are found, Project Sponsors agree to help the Project work through.

Projects that fail to file a Review

Projects that fail to file their review within 60 days of it’s due date are subject to loss of Project Benefits for their applicable Stage. Projects that fail to file 2 consecutive reviews are subject to archiving (Stage 4: Emeritus).


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