Meeting Recording: TBA
(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links:
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
John Kuraikose | |
| @Rich Rodgers | |
Lorenzo King | |
| @Vasavi V | |
Hussein Alayan | |
| Randy Templeton (TSC Chair) | |
@Tina Tsou (Deactivated) | |
| David Martin | |
Chanda Bhingarde | |
| @Joe Pearson | |
Benny Davis | |
| Martin Kronberg | |
Nathan Phelps | |
| Lincoln Lavoie | |
| | | |
| Welcome | |
| Announcement and Issues | |
LF Edge Hackathon (July 1st - kickoff /July15th start) FDO 1.1.6 (next release
FDO - FDO 1.1.6? BMO Open Horizon FDO Update - Joe TAC Request OpenSSF badging (Randy) - Questionnaire to understand the current project security practices - Required by all LF Edge projects, Whitehouse is looking at all open source projects and their security practices - Randy - go through every question LFXSecurity portal onboarding (Vasavi) - - Kendall to contact Vasavi to being the onboarding process Identify a primary/secondary reps to attend TAC meetings on a regular basis - Randy/Vasavi Community Lab (RV-server) Conformance testing - (RV only, - Owner,Manuf - ) add fdo to DNS name for lab (letsEncypt Certificate - use subject alternate name)
| Decisions | | For next meeting AgriRegio Projekt
expeer machinering Upcoming meeting for LF Edge Lab Update on 1.1.5 release Update on SDO archive Updates for FDO project by 3/3 Sharing updates to the growth plan for FDO Increase Community engagement BMO - Bare Metal Onboarding
| Update on next release | | |
| Update on Goals for the project sub committee | | 2 broad goals: Support LF Edge Projects (SDO integration across LF Edge Projects). Providing developer tools that assist in compatibility testing and rapid development. Next Step: Develop Growth Plan for LF Edge Phase 2 requirements Docker containers - Bill of Materials (Bom) Syft/Grype (reads docker container and reports all software used)
| Upcoming Events | |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
Open Action Item Tracker
Votes (template below)
Zoom Chat Log
Voting Template
TSC Voting proposal
Motion: who motions the proposal
Second: who seconds the proposal
SL No. | Voting Member | Member Company | Y/N/A |
| Ahmed AlWattar | |
| Chanda Bhingarde | |
| Lorenzo King | |
| Hussein Alayan (Benny) | |
| @Rich Rodgers | |
| @Vasavi V | |
| Randy Templeton | |
| David Martin | |