Meeting Recording: TBA
(Example of collaborative meeting minutes, using Presos/Notes/Links:
Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat
John Kuraikose | |
| @Rich Rodgers | |
Lorenzo King | |
| @Vasavi V | |
Hussein Alayan | |
| Randy Templeton (TSC Chair) | |
@Tina Tsou (Deactivated) | |
| David Martin | |
Chanda Bhingarde | |
| @Joe Pearson | |
Benny Davis | |
| Martin Kronberg | |
Nathan Phelps | |
| Lincoln Lavoie | |
| | | |
| Welcome | |
| Announcement and Issues | | 10/26
10/12 Fido Interop Event on going week Oct10-13th IBM Public owner key - Randy to send API call Machinerinng - When will FDO be run?
9/28 9/14 Nathan did a demo for Open Horizon - Will post the link to the recording once he has it Vasavi requested for an Open Horizon demo to the FDO team from Nathan. Nathan to check if this is ok with IBM. FDO team working on allow/ deny list feature implementation on hosted RV server
8/31 Nathan planning to do a demo in the Open Horizon meeting on 14th September on Open Horizon +FDO . 9:30 AM EST - - meeting link Management Hub Working Group FDO team working on allow/ deny list feature implementation on hosted RV server Open Horizon currently on FDO 1.1.5. Joe to discuss with his team on upgrading Open Horizon to 1.1.6 FDO Project annual review August 9th FDO 1.1.6 - Live
FDO - FDO 1.1.6? BMO Open Horizon FDO Update - Joe TAC Request OpenSSF badging (Randy) - Questionnaire to understand the current project security practices - Required by all LF Edge projects, Whitehouse is looking at all open source projects and their security practices - Randy - go through every question LFXSecurity portal onboarding (Vasavi) - - Kendall to contact Vasavi to being the onboarding process Identify a primary/secondary reps to attend TAC meetings on a regular basis - Randy/Vasavi Community Lab (RV-server) Conformance testing - (RV only, - Owner,Manuf - ) add fdo to DNS name for lab (letsEncypt Certificate - use subject alternate name)
| Decisions | | For next meeting AgriRegio Projekt
expeer machinering Upcoming meeting for LF Edge Lab Update on 1.1.5 release Update on SDO archive Updates for FDO project by 3/3 Sharing updates to the growth plan for FDO Increase Community engagement BMO - Bare Metal Onboarding
| Update on next release | | |
| Update on Goals for the project sub committee | | 2 broad goals: Support LF Edge Projects (SDO integration across LF Edge Projects). Providing developer tools that assist in compatibility testing and rapid development. Next Step: Develop Growth Plan for LF Edge Phase 2 requirements Docker containers - Bill of Materials (Bom) Syft/Grype (reads docker container and reports all software used)
| Upcoming Events | |
Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
Open Action Item Tracker
Votes (template below)
Zoom Chat Log
Voting Template
TSC Voting proposal
Motion: who motions the proposal
Second: who seconds the proposal
SL No. | Voting Member | Member Company | Y/N/A |
| Ahmed AlWattar | |
| Chanda Bhingarde | |
| Lorenzo King | |
| Hussein Alayan (Benny) | |
| @Rich Rodgers | |
| @Vasavi V | |
| Randy Templeton | |
| David Martin | |