2025-01-06 Meeting notes for Realtime Workload Metrics

2025-01-06 Meeting notes for Realtime Workload Metrics


Jan 6, 2025


  • @Joe Pearson

 Discussion topics

  • Deploying EdgeLake nodes on test network

 Action items

Build a node with OH Agent as a default
Pass along instructions on curl-ing the agent-install.cfg file from MMS
List all of the files of this type available on the Hub:
hzn mms -o IBM -u "$HZN_ORG_ID/$HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH" object list -d -t agent_files
Download the specific config file:
hzn mms -o IBM -u "$HZN_ORG_ID/$HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH" object dl --type=agent_files --id="agent-install.cfg"
Linode deployment script with env mods per
Deploying an EdgeLake node remotely using OH
Should be as simple as using the hzn CLI to (remotely) modify an existing node’s node policy and/or userinput.json
Depending on the architecture, could involve updating node secrets
Deploying 30 EdgeLake nodes remotely using OH
Remotely modify parameters of an existing EdgeLake deployment
30x of the process above, one for each node
After initialization, re-point upstream config source to blockchain (or anything else)
Deployment on bare machine beginning with provisioning
Updating a new agent version automatically
Determine data persistence across upgrades
Deploying an EdgeLake node to a cloud instance (abstract the differences between bare metal and cloud instances)
Deploying a secret to a node and explain the mechanism
Deploying difference secrets to each node
Dynamically updating secrets after deployment
Deep integration where OH and EL share resources, like storage
Storing and retrieving policy and definition files on the blockchain
Using the blockchain to backup and restore hub instance values


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