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Project EdgeLake is an open source project under the LF Edge Foundation that collaboratively develops EdgeLake, a Virtual Data Lake according to the Project's Charter.

Project EdgeLake Overview

EdgeLake is a plug-and-play software platform that creates a virtual layer at the Edge, allowing companies to extract real-time insights from their Edge data without centralizing the data.

EdgeLake transforms the distributed nodes at the edge to a decentralized network of nodes that process Edge/IoT data as if the distributed nodes are a single machine.

The EdgeLake Network protocol provides the data management services that are missing at the Edge. The Network protocol enables ingestion, storage, schema creation, SQL querying,
rules engines, and scalability at the Edge using a plug-and-play approach.

With EdgeLake, companies can manage and monitor distributed Edge data and resources as if the distributed Edge is a single machine.


See https://lf-edge.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ED/pages/14418033 for the next EdgeLake meeting, and the recordings of previous meetings.





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