Partner Candidate Proposal - Intel

Partner Candidate Proposal - Intel


Proposer: @Joseph Pearson 

Date: Jul 19, 2024 

Presented to the TSC:

Voted on by the TSC:

Disposition: To be proposed July 29 at the TSC meeting

Last updated: Jul 19, 2024 


@Joseph Pearson would like to propose that the Open Horizon TSC vote to extend an invitation to Intel to join the Open Horizon project as a Partner and voting member of the TSC.

Partners are companies, organizations, or other entities that have contributed substantially to the project and thus shown themselves to have a stake in its success.


  • Intel has created, consistently improved, and maintained the FDO project code that we embed in Open Horizon.

  • Intel has worked closely with the Management Hub Working Group members for several years and given us a seat on their TSC, but we have not reciprocated.

  • Intel is a member in good standing of LF Edge.

  • Intel has worked with Open Horizon on demos and videos for ONE Summit 2024, attended the event, and presented the demos there.

Call to action

On the strength of their continual involvement in Open Horizon and their work to support our project's use of FDO, I’d like to propose that the TSC consider inviting Intel to join us as a Partner in the project.