2023-08-16 Meeting notes
2023-08-16 Meeting notes
Aug 16, 2023 Recording: 32 minutes
@Joe Pearson
@John Walicki (Deactivated)
@Rene Cherny (Deactivated)
Fortnightly Review
Discussion items
Blake Pearson demo'd GHA pipelines in previous TSC meeting. Code is in new Release repo. Let's get that integrated into docs.
Links to Feature Requests and workstreams/sub-groups?
PR #514 Update "Intel" - wrong repo, older folders to remove.
Opened issue #3875 in anax repo to embed video. Is this the right way to embed video or does our templating system propose a different way?
Action items
@Joe Pearson opened Issue #3 in release for documentation. Now add navigation to /docs for "Building" role/persona/path
@Joe Pearson Link both project home page and documentation page to new feature requests
@Joe Pearson Reformat Makefiles across the site to standardize? Potential JumpStart task
@Joe Pearson Fix issue behind PR #514 by creating issue in FDO repo
@Joe Pearson Research video embedding in page templates
, multiple selections available,