2024-05-08 Meeting notes


May 8, 2024 recording: 20 minutes



  • @Joseph Pearson

  • @John Walicki (Deactivated) 



Fortnightly Review

  • Seven PRs closed since last meeting, all related to ONE Summit demo pages

  • Orphan pages check finally returning no issues.  We fixed the remaining persistent reported orphan.

  • Cluster agent installation PR merged.  Page finally live.

  • Component diagram finalized, approved, and published to project landing page.

Discussion items

  • We now have three branches.  Is it clear what features are in each, and how they differ?  How should we document this?

    • 2.30 stable - running on Community Lab VM1 instance

    • 2.31 stable - running on Community Lab VM2 instance

    • Master, containing latest

  • How can a person determine what features are being actively worked on?  And how should the documentation reflect this?

Action items