2024-05-08 Meeting notes
May 8, 2024 recording: 20 minutes
@Joe Pearson
@John Walicki (Deactivated)
Fortnightly Review
Seven PRs closed since last meeting, all related to ONE Summit demo pages
Orphan pages check finally returning no issues. We fixed the remaining persistent reported orphan.
Cluster agent installation PR merged. Page finally live.
Component diagram finalized, approved, and published to project landing page.
Discussion items
We now have three branches. Is it clear what features are in each, and how they differ? How should we document this?
2.30 stable - running on Community Lab VM1 instance
2.31 stable - running on Community Lab VM2 instance
Master, containing latest
How can a person determine what features are being actively worked on? And how should the documentation reflect this?
Action items
@Joe Pearson refactor cluster install page opened issue 564