2023-02-21 Meeting notes
2023-02-21 Meeting notes
Feb 21, 2023 Recording
@Joe Pearson
Fortnight Review
Two weeks ago:
At least 15 PRs merged in the last two weeks:
Ten from @John Walicki (Deactivated)
Three from @Joe Pearson
One each from dependabot and oemel09
Discussion Items
Review Issues
Added Best Practice for code blocks, see PR #433
Open Horizon Services added Project board to track README update work.
Have we finished the theme tweaks?
Are we done with the API updates?
Now that we have an FDO section on the site (under Administering), what about these pages?
Added GHA for FDO docs
Thanks, John for modifying/fixing the front matter.
Action items
Mar 7, 2023 @Joe Pearson Add issue for thematic pages, like FDO overview
Mar 7, 2023 @Joe Pearson Create issue for changing behavior of "edit in github" for pages copied over from other repos.
, multiple selections available,