2023-08-16 Meeting notes


Aug 16, 2023 Recording: 32 minutes



  • @Joseph Pearson

  • @John Walicki (Deactivated) 

  • @Rene Cherny (Deactivated) 


Fortnightly Review

Discussion items

  • Blake Pearson demo'd GHA pipelines in previous TSC meeting.  Code is in new Release repo.  Let's get that integrated into docs.

  • Links to Feature Requests and workstreams/sub-groups?

  • Hacktoberfest

  • PR #514 Update "Intel" - wrong repo, older folders to remove.

  • Opened issue #3875 in anax repo to embed video.  Is this the right way to embed video or does our templating system propose a different way?

Action items

@Joseph Pearson opened Issue #3 in release for documentation.  Now add navigation to /docs for "Building" role/persona/path
@Joseph Pearson Link both project home page and documentation page to new feature requests
@Joseph Pearson Reformat Makefiles across the site to standardize?  Potential JumpStart task
@Joseph Pearson Fix issue behind PR #514 by creating issue in FDO repo
@Joseph Pearson Research video embedding in page templates