A Proposal Template (WIP)


(Mention the motivation behind floating this proposal.  Give a background of the problem you are trying to address, and why solving that problem is important from EVE project perspective)

Proposal Description

(Feel free to introduce subsections here describing your proposed changes in detail)

EVC Interface 

(If the proposal has any dependency on EVE Controller, mention the dependency and call out whether you are introducing a new REST API, or modifying existing API, and elaborate on how the information exchanged will have interaction with various microservices on EVE.  Also mention how you are planning to introduce these changes to ADAM, and mention what will happen if the ADAM runs old REST interface, and EVE runs the new interface etc)

Version Compatibility

(One key requirement of EVE is to never require a "truck roll" to bring the EVE node accessible again.  So mention how you are addressing scenario where EVE node running old version of the code is upgraded to new code with your proposed changes, from maintaining the connectivity perspective)

Security Impact

(If your proposal has changes to any X.509 Certificates, credentials, data encryption, then have a STRIDE threat modelling section here, explaining how you are taking care of each of the S, T, R, I, D and E threats.)

ARM Support

(Mention and confirm here that the proposed changes will work on ARM architecture, in addition to x86. This section is a MUST if you are introducing any new drivers, PCI functionality or any processor-centric feature (like AES, TEE etc)).


(Include any useful external references to help understand the proposal better)