2022 January
2022 January
Meeting Time: 7:30 PM PT (Thursday) / 2:30 AM UTC (Friday) / 11:30 AM CST (Friday) (See call time in different zones)
BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/95097577087?pwd=azZaOXpXWmFoOXpqK293RFp0N1pydz09
Meeting minutes
To be release 1.4.2
Major bug: Portable SDK function runtime communicaion misorder if data inactive more than 1 minute & caching isAgg for portable func
Dynamic property name like `$topic` may conflict with normal mqtt topic
UI update to support table
Plan 1.5.0
Already started:
Breaking change: Mqtt server property change to a single server
Customize features with build tag. It helps to produce lightweight binaries for limited resource.
Discuss planning
Meeting minutes
1.4.2 Released
Doc clean up
Refactors: function binder, anonymous field rename, connection getter
Designing changed function to detect any expression change