2022 January

2022 January

Meeting Time: 7:30 PM PT (Thursday) / 2:30 AM UTC (Friday) / 11:30 AM CST (Friday) (See call time in different zones)

BRIDGE: https://zoom.us/j/95097577087?pwd=azZaOXpXWmFoOXpqK293RFp0N1pydz09 



Meeting minutes

  1. To be release 1.4.2 

    1. Major bug: Portable SDK function runtime communicaion misorder if data inactive more than 1 minute & caching isAgg for portable func

    2. Dynamic property name like `$topic` may conflict with normal mqtt topic

    3. UI update to support table

  2. Plan 1.5.0

    1. Already started:

      1. Breaking change: Mqtt server property change to a single server

      2. Customize features with build tag. It helps to produce lightweight binaries for limited resource.

    2. Discuss planning



Meeting minutes

  1. 1.4.2 Released

    1. Doc clean up

  2. 1.5.0 

    1. Refactors: function binder, anonymous field rename, connection getter

    2. Designing changed function to detect any expression change