Submitted to TAC Mail List: YYYY2203/MM08/DD09
Presented on TAC Weekly Call: YYYY 2203/MM08/DD 09 (Meeting Recording)
Info |
Below is a self-assessment submitted by TSC Chair/Maintainers of the Project. Comments/questions/feedback is welcome either a) in the Comments at the bottom of the page or b) during the TAC call when information is presented |
Stage 2 Criteria (from the PLD) | Meets / Needs Improvement / Missing / Not Applicable | Supporting Data (if needed, include links to specific examples) |
Development of a growth plan (to include both roadmap of projected feature sets as well as overall community growth/project maturity), to be done in conjunction with their project mentor(s) at the TAC. | Meets | https://wiki.lfedge.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=60063767 |
Document that it is being used in POCs. | Meets | https://wiki.lfedge.org/display/SDO/Project+Documentation FDO integration with Intel Bare Metal Onboard solution |
Demonstrate a substantial ongoing flow of commits and merged contributions. | Meets | |
Demonstrate that the current level of community participation is sufficient to meet the goals outlined in the growth plan. | Meets | https://github.com/fido-device-onboard/pri-fidoiot/network/members Red Hat https://github.com/romfreiman Portainer.io https://github.com/portainer Waterloo https://github.com/Awbmilne |
Demonstrate that the current level of community participation is sufficient to meet the goals outlined in the growth plan. | Meets | https://github.com/fido-device-onboard/pri-fidoiot/network/members Red Hat https://github.com/romfreiman Portainer.io https://github.com/portainer Waterloo https://github.com/Awbmilne |
Demonstrate evidence of, or a plan for, interoperability, compatibility or extension to other LF Edge Projects. Examples may include demonstrating modularity (ability to swap in components between projects). | Meets | Interop with Open Horizons, Example https://open-horizon.github.io/docs/installing/fdo/#fdo-overview |
Stage 2 Projects, please skip to Additional Information Requested from All Projects