Criteria | Meets / Needs Improvement / Missing / Not Applicable | Supporting Data (if needed, include links to specific examples) |
Have a defined governing body of at least 5 or more members (owners and core maintainers), of which no more than 1/3 is affiliated with the same employer. In the case there are 5 governing members, 2 may be from the same employer. | (var) | https://wiki.edgexfoundry.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=329436 |
Have a documented and publicly accessible description of the project's governance, decision-making, and release processes. | (var) | https://wiki.akraino.org/display/AK/Akraino+Technical+Community+Document |
Have a healthy number of committers from at least two organizations. A committer is defined as someone with the commit bit; i.e., someone who can accept contributions to some or all of the project. | (var) | https://lfanalytics.io/projects/lfedge%2Fedgex-foundry/dashboard |
Demonstrate evidence of interoperability, compatibility or extension to other LF Edge Projects. Examples may include demonstrating modularity (ability to swap in components between projects). | (var) | https://wiki.edgexfoundry.org/display/FA/Open+Horizon+-+EdgeX+Project+Group |
Adopt the Foundation Code of Conduct. | (var) | https://lfprojects.org/policies/code-of-conduct/ |
Explicitly define a project governance and committer process. This is preferably laid out in a GOVERNANCE.md file and references a CONTRIBUTING.md and OWNERS.md file showing the current and emeritus committers. | (var) | https://wiki.akraino.org/display/AK/Akraino+Technical+Community+Document#AkrainoTechnicalCommunityDocument-3.2.2CommitterLifecycle |
Have a public list of project adopters for at least the primary repo (e.g., ADOPTERS.md or logos on the project website). | Meets (var) | https://www.edgexfoundry.org/edgex-in-market/ |