Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

All technical oversight of the project is conducted by the Project's Steering Committee (TSC) in accordance with the bylaws outlined in the Project's Charter. The composition of the TSC is tracked in the CONTRIBUTING.md file and official votes are conducted on the TSC mailing list

TSC meetings are open to the public and occur every third Thursday at 11:00 am Central Standard Time (CST).

Note: Meetings are recorded, transcribed, and posted to the project wiki to ensure transparency and accessibility for all community members.

The TSC is responsible for:

  • Coordinating the technical direction of the Project, including the architecture and projects to achieve the Mission and Scope of the Project;

  • Approving project proposals (including, but not limited to, incubation, deprecation, and changes to a project’s charter or scope);

  • Communicating with external and industry organizations concerning Project technical matters;

  • Establishing community norms, workflows, or policies for releases;

  • Discussing, seeking consensus, and where necessary, voting on technical matters relating to the code base that affect multiple projects; and

  • Establishing election processes for Committers, Maintainers, or other leadership roles in the technical community that are not within the scope of any single project

Mailing List






Voting Members

(Term end date: DD MMM 2024)

Voting Member Name

Voting Member Company

Voting Member Name

Voting Member Company











Voting on Issues

In various situations, the Ocre TSC shall hold a vote. These votes can happen by email or via a voting service, when appropriate. TSC members can either respond "agree, yes, +1", "disagree, no, -1", or "abstain". Decisions by vote at a meeting require a majority vote, provided a quorum is met. An abstain vote equals not voting at all


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