


  1. Release plans: joint launch of InfiniEdge AI Release 1 and Akraino Release 9, @HaruhisaFukano , 20 minutes

  2. Access to ViviGrid, @Yona , 10 minutes

  3. AI Agent Market Place, Coze AI Agent Marketplace @Noe Otero 10 min






  • @Wilson Wang @Chun Liu @Joseph Sun @Noe Otero @Ziang Song @Tina Tsou @Ye Xu @Ying Wang @Yizheng Jiao @Akram Sheriff @Ashwanth Gnanavelu @HaruhisaFukano @Kris @Kai @李博睿 @刘秉伟 @Rachel Roumeliotis @Sam Han @Shunli @Tina Tsou @TinaTsou @万里 @Yin Li @Yu Wang - AIG



The meeting discussed the collaboration between Infinite Edge AI and Crino, the release plan, and work stream updates, the main contents included:

  • Infinite Edge AI and Crino collaboration: Crane is reinventing itself as more AI-centric, retaining edge computing focus, and may collaborate with Infinite Edge in 2025.

  • Release plan: Kenneson presented a release plan, including security, documentation, and the full stack of open source software.

  • Work stream updates: HaruhisaFukano summarized each work stream, classified the delivery type, and described the collaboration for the release.

  • Demo: Wilson Wang demonstrated a workstream 3 demo that supports calling external tools for the AI agent.

  • Future work: Tina Tsou suggested putting the meeting information on the wiki page and sharing the demo on the wiki page.


00:12 Discussion on Edge Database, Algorithms and Related Demos in a Meeting

This section is about a meeting where they initially wait for Wilson to be in front of his laptop to share the agenda. An attendee with limited time starts presenting work stream 2 on edge databases and algorithms. They discuss a demo that enables local data interaction, how data is labeled by users, and there are some discussions about combining work streams and following the agenda.

17:31 Discussion on release plan, collaboration with Infinite Edge and work stream updates along with Lark functionality issues

This section is about a release plan. Jeff briefly presented some ideas regarding closer collaboration between Crane and Infinite Edge in 2025. Wilson Wang noted a lack of details. There were discussions about agenda items, a possible presentation next week, and some issues with Lark functionality like notifications and calendar invites, and then they moved on to discussing work stream details.

29:12 Infinite Hai Release Planning and Collaboration in Work Streams

This section mainly focuses on work streams and releases in the Infinite Hai project. HaruhisaFukano talks about different work stream aspects like OSS components and stacks. There's discussion on collaboration for release following Akleano's process. Also, the timing of releases is debated, with suggestions like December 30th and June 30th, and plans for documenting release - related information on a wiki page.

52:29 Wilson Wang Demonstrates AI Agent with Two Tools and Receives Suggestions

This section begins with Wilson Wang presenting a workstream 3 demo involving two tools, one for getting the current time and one for making phone calls. He gives a demonstration. Tina Tsou then offers suggestions such as sharing the agenda in advance when replacing someone, and sharing meeting notes and demos on the wiki page. There are also discussions about enhancing the demo and engaging the audience better.


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