Release Notes for Eucalyptus

This document provides the release notes for Home Edge Eucalyptus (vE) Release 


In keeping with our lineage of major release in October of every year, we are glad to bring the same for the year Y'2022. We had identified two major features for this year namely independent cloud synchronization module and extending our platform support to Android. Strengthening the code quality has been always an item we consider for every release. We are happy announce that we have achieved "Gold" badge in 'OpenSSF' best practices and openssf score card has also been integrated. Dependent bot has been integrated to check for latest release of libraries internally used and update the same.

Release Date


Release Content

vE: Eucalyptus release, features added -

  1. OpenSSF Badge

    • Go-Project has been made complaint by incorporating necessary documentation/quality fixes and so. Openssf Gold

  2. Data synchronization to Cloud endpoints - MQTT

    • Independent MQTT based cloud synchronization mechanism as enhancement to vD

    • API's to send and receive data from and to between Service application and Cloud via Home Edge

    • MQTT broker would be configured at the cloud (Cloud agnostic)

    • Home Edge acts as MQTT client to exchange data 

    • TLS secure mode for all the data exchange

  3. Platform enhancement

    • Complete new code base to support execution of Home Edge in Android has been added Home Edge Android

    • The base code currently supports device/service discovery and service offload to Linux device

    • Service offload to Android from Linux is not supported in this release

  4. Dependent bot integration

    • Bot to check on the updates on dependent libraries has been integrated

    • The bot has been configured to run once every month in the first week

  5. Code enhancements

    • Fixed TxT Record parsing as per mDNS protocol

    • Refactored service list assignment logic TxT record

    • Modified get score API from GET to POST in line with API design rules

    • API to add/delete events from database based on event ID added for DataStorage

    • Code coverage increased by adding more test cases

    • Modified response for Ping request to Pong

  6. Auto numerical tagging of code when significant changes are incorporated 

GitHub release

Home Edge Go - 1.2.0

Home Edge Android - 0.1.0