04/2019 Community Kickoff Meeting

04/2019 Community Kickoff Meeting

Hosted by Intel. 

Meeting Agenda Lead: Peter Moonki Hong, Home Edge TSC member 

Please submit any questions about this event to homeedge-tsc@lists.lfedge.org.

Meeting Material:

Dates and Locations: 


Apr 2, 2019 The meeting will be held in the Intel campus located at: Intel Corporation, SC 12, CR-SC12-638, 3600 Juliette Ln, Santa Clara,  CA 95054 or via Zoom for remote attendees. Zoom link will be added to the agenda below.

Note: The Zoom meeting sessions will be recorded and posted to this event page. 

  • Meeting Start - 8am

  • Morning Break – 10:00am to 10:15am

  • Meeting End - 12pm 

Please provide an RSVP (in person or not attending) here for the event. This is very important for logistics and planning purposes.

Visa Letter Request Process: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/visa-request/

Recommended Airport: Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport, 1701 Airport Blvd. San Jose, CA 95110. Other possible Airports are SFO, San Francisco airport and OAK, Oakland Airport with further distances, please check Google maps for details relative to your travel plans.

Distance from AirportApproximately 4.4 miles

Recommended Area Hotel(s)https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-networking-summit-north-america-2019/attend/venue-travel/#hotel

Transportation Options: Self driving, Taxi, Uber, or Lyft

Corporate Security Access: No special requirements as the conference center.

Guest Wifi: TBD.

Draft Agenda:

Session, Tuesday, Apr 2, 2019 

Room: CR-SC12-638


Topics, Zoom Link


Topics, Zoom Link

8:00am - 10:00am

Overview of the Home Edge Project

Use cases driving the design / implementation of the Home Edge Project

Deeper dive on the Project that can connect use cases with functionality

10:00am - 10:15am

Coffee break

10:15am - 12:00pm

Home Edge possible candidates or Blueprints

Possible collaborations with other parts of LF Edge and members

Try to build a Strawman with project milestones/releases/etc.