EVE Integration Testing

EVE Integration Testing

What follows is a few sketches of tests that we expect EVE developers to produce and manage in EVE's own workspace under tests/integration folder. Eden then provides two essential services:

  • A place where an abstract library that drives most of test functionality gets maintained and developed
  • An overall harness for launching all the required components for test runs

The last point is especially important to understand since we DO NOT expect Eden to drive the testing end-to-end. In fact, here is the list of expectations for running these kinds of tests:

  1. Each test can be executed as a "standalone" binary in the same style we're currently using for test scripts
  2. Each test gets configured in the same style that we use for configuration of Eden itself:
    1. Test may have constants embedded in them, these constants can always be over-written by...
    2. ...a YAML file (this is NOT Eden's YAML configuration file – it is different, however we can use the same library from Eden to parse it), and YAML files in turn...
    3. ...gets over-written by CLI flags that can be passed to a test from the command line
      E.g. a test called TestBaseImage may have a configuration knob called baseos.eve.tag with the default value (provide in the test's source code) of 'latest'. It can be further tweaked in a test configuration YAML file by setting TestBaseImage.baseos.eve.tag = YYY AND it can be further tweaked during execution by -baseos.eve.tag=XXX
  3. When a test starts it assumes (through the use of a common library and a TestContext) that:
    1. There's a controller that is already up and running. Tests themselves DO NOT engage in starting a controller.
    2. All the "EVE instances" are already running. Note than an EVE instance may be a physical device (like RaspberryPi) with EVE running, it maybe a Virtual instance of EVE running on a developer's laptop or it may be a Virtual instance of EVE running on a public cloud. Tests themselves DO NOT engage in starting any new EVE instances.
    3. EVE instances may or may NOT be "registered" with the controller.
    4. EVE instances may or may NOT be "on-boarded".
  4. Each test expects (through the use of a common library and a TestContext) that the following information is passed to it and gets recorded in the TestContext:
    1. URL for the controller (global.controller.url setting) in the form of [adam|zedcontrol]://[user:token@]address
    2. A list of EVE instance names (this may need to be UUIDs for now – since Adam doesn't do names → UUID mapping for us just yet)
      E.g. thus a test may be called as:
            eden.integration.test -test.run TestBaseImage -controller.url=adam://localhost:8080 -baseos.eve.tag=XXX eve1 eve2
      This invocation provides our test with to EVE instances eve1 and eve2 (either symbolic names or UUIDs)
  5. Once the test starts a common library checks for what state eve instances are in and uses controller API calls to make them operational (e.g. for example an instance may need to be on-boarded first). For now it is fair to assume that all EVE instances are on-boarded.
  6. If running against zedcloud eve instances will have to be moved to a unique project identified by the following name: test-username-timestamp-UUID (this is irrelevant for Adam)
  7. TestContext will always hold reference to an array of EVE instances. For all the commands that do not specify which EVE instance to use the first one gets picked
  8. Test will refuse to execute if it is not given required number of EVE instances

After a test is executed, users wants to see a full trace of Info/Log/Metrics events deposited into 3 (for now) files for further inspection

Putting it all together, we can imagine the following pseudo-code of a TestReboot:

// This context holds all the configuration items in the same
// way that Eden context works: the commands line options override
// YAML settings. In addition to that, context is polymorphic in
// a sense that it abstracts away a particular controller (currently
// Adam and Zedcloud are supported)
tc *TestContext // TestContext is at least {
// controller *Controller
// project *Project
// nodes []EdgeNode
// ...
// }

// TestMain is used to provide setup and teardown for the rest of the
// tests. As part of setup we make sure that context has a slice of
// EVE instances that we can operate on. For any action, if the instance
// is not specified explicitly it is assumed to be the first one in the slice
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// this is expected to connect us to a desired controller
tc = NewTestContex(...)

// The following probably needs to be part of NewTestContext,
// I'm breaking it out to explain a few key things:

// Registering our own project namespace with controller for easy cleanup
tc.project = tc.controller.NewProject(GENERATED NAME BASED ON TestReboot + user + timestamp + uuid)

// Create representation of EVE instances (based on the names
// or UUIDs that were passed in) in the context. This is the first place
// where we're using zcli-like API:
for nodeName in range ... {
edgeNode := tc.controller.GetEdgeNode(nodeName)

if edgeNode == nil {
// Couldn't find existing edgeNode record in the controller.
// Need to create it from scratch now:
// this is modeled after: zcli edge-node create <name>
// --project=<project> --model=<model> [--title=<title>]
// ([--edge-node-certificate=<certificate>] |
// [--onboarding-certificate=<certificate>] |
// [(--onboarding-key=<key> --serial=<serial-number>)])
// [--network=<network>...]
// XXX: not sure if struct (giving us optional fields) would be better
edgeNode := tc.controller.NewEdgeNode(nodeName, tc.contr, ...)
} else {
// make sure to move EdgeNode to the project we created, again
// this is modeled after zcli edge-node update <name> [--title=<title>]
// [--lisp-mode=experimental|default] [--project=<project>]
// [--clear-onboarding-certs] [--config=<key:value>...] [--network=<network>...]
edgeNode.update(... project=XXX...)

// finally we need to make sure that the edgeNode is in a state that we need
// it to be, before the test can run -- this could be multiple checks on its
// status, but for example:
if edgeNode.GetStatus().state != registered {
// we may need to trasistion the node into registered state, or may be
// we just note that fact

// this is a good node -- lets add it to the test context

// we now have a situation where TestContext has enough EVE nodes known
// for the rest of the tests to run. So run them:
res := m.Run()

// Finally, we need to cleanup whatever objects may be in in the project we created
// and then we can exit


func TestReboot(t *testing.T) {
// note that GetEdgeNode() without any argument is
// equivalent to the default (first one). Otherwise
// one can specify a name GetEdgeNode("foo")
edgeNode := tc.GetEdgeNode()

// this is modeled after: zcli edge-node reboot [-f] <name>
// this is expected to be a synchronous call for now

// this is how we make sure that the right event actually happens.
// Note that unlike previous call this is completely asynchronous.
// We expect AssertInfo method to return immediately and simply
// register a listener function that would check every incoming
// Info message and either exit with success on one of them OR
// exit with failure. However both of these events may happen minutes
// after the following call is made:
tc.AssertInfo("expected reboot to happen", func() {})

// now we're blocking until the time elapses or asserts fires
tc.WaitForAsserts(60) // this is guarantee to exit under 60 seconds

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