20200402- TSC Meeting Notes - 830AM Pacific / 2100 IST
Agenda for Project EVE TSC
Recording of call: none
Roll call of TSC members
Allen Wittenauer *Avi Deitcher Bharani Chadalavada Chirag Kantharia | Erik Nordmark (chair) Gianluca Guida *Gopi Krishna Kodali Harihara Subhramanian | *CS Kalyan Nidumolu Rob Woolley Roman Shaposhnik | Sahil Satpute Saurabh Singh Srinibas Maharana Vijay Tapaskar |
Quorum not achieved- Qurum is 1/2 of the members listed above.
Additional attendees:
Acceptance of prior minutes: 20200306- TSC Meeting Agenda - 830AM Pacific / 2100 IST
LF Edge- Intel secure device on boarding - This is coming from the TAC and then to the board.
Things to write up-
Man in the middle-
sig user 2 handler- memory leak
Question: Will there be a "standard" for LF Edge?
TSC Decisions & Discussions via Email list
add in decisions/Discussions that have happened via email
Updated text on the LF Edge-EVE landing page. Current text is here, proposed new text is here.
this is completed and is on the landing page- https://www.lfedge.org/projects/eve/
Security changes- Erik
EVEadm Proposal- Link
Handling Container images with updateable tags, Handling of Image SHAs- Email Discussion Link- proposal link
Restricted signing key requirement for PCR Quote generation- Email Discussion Link -
EVE log sources and log push to rsyslogd - Email Discussions Link -
Old Business
Things that were not resolved move to old business
Project EVE roadmap
Security of EVE
Reference controller implementation for EVE API
Support for additional hypervisors
Support for additional hardware
Improve developer-user experience
Edge Container definition & support
Intra-device state change publish, subscribe, notification (PubSub)
Convention for rounding up email thread discussions: TSC moderator to survey prior email discussions. Mark if thread is open or closed & decided in next month's TSC meeting minutes.