20190530- TSC Meeting Notes

This was the first organizational meeting for the LF Edge Project Eve Technical Steering Committee (TSC).

Recording of the meeting: https://zoom.us/recording/share/dcbeVEO1X49CG5pgA70qAa_rK3LMX5PAhObYroLv2cWwIumekTziMw


This our governing document:


  1. Intros and attendees:
    1. Greg Chase, Vijay Tapaskar, Erik Nordmark, Roman Shaposhnik, Jim St. Leger, Rob Woolley, Chirag Kanthrie, GopiKrishna, Avi Deitcher, Mark Asselstine, Srinibas Maharana, Michael Hall, Harihara Subhramanian CS, Kalyan Nidumolu
  2. Who has volunteered to be on the TSC?

    • Erik Nordmark
    • Kalyan Nidumolu
    • Rob Woolley
    • Greg Chase
    • Srinibas Maharana
    • Avi Deitcher
    • GopiKrishna Kodali 
    • Vijay Tapaskar
    • Harihara Subhramanian CS
    • Roman Shaposhnik 
    1. Volunteers for TSC will be accepted for another week.  Greg to send out reminder email.
  3. How often do we meet?  When do we meet next?
    1. Monthly official meetings
    2. Off weeks should be unofficial meetings like office hours or education program in the future
    3. Next official meeting will be Thursday, June  27, 830AM Pacific / 2100 IST
    4. Next 3 weeks on June 6, 13, and 20 will be open office hours.
  4. What offices do we need for the TSC?  Chair? Vice Chair? Others
    1. Charter calls for a Chair
    2. Group suggests a Vice Chair, who would handle meeting organization, minutes, promotion, community development, and convene in absence of the Chair
  5. Nominations for TSC offices -
    1. Nominations will close just before next official TSC meeting on June
    2. Greg to ask for additional nominations & Self nominations on TSC mail list 
    3. Chair
      1. Erik Nordmark
    4. Vice Chair
      1. Greg Chase
  6. Review draft processes we need to adopt, or are using as an interim basis
    1. Principle: "If it didn't happen on the mail list, it didn't happen" - try to make all decisions through the mail list
    2. Principle: "Adopt practices & processes of Apache Software Foundation" as a default
      1. Try to achieve consensus
      2. Use lazy consensus - looking for disapproval.  Decisions proposed are effective unless a TSC member votes against a decision within a 72 hour window
      3. For controversial topics: discussion at face to face meetings.  Vote if quorum present.  Vote on email list if quorum is not present, or business needs to be conducted sooner than a next official meeting
    3. Release process
      1. Adopt Apache release process
      2. Nominate a release manager
        1. Tag a version on github, decide which commits get added to a version, find testers, shephards the vote
      3. Entire TSC will vote to make a release - needs quorum - will usually be electronic via the mailing list
    4. How to change composition of the TSC
      1. Lets discuss this next meeting, once the first members of the TSC are formalized
  7. What else do we need to organize?
    1. Office hours & technical education program on weekly Thursday meetings
      1. Greg & Erik to have open office hours next week - how to get EVE working on different hardware