Feature 1266 Rule Graph API


Currently, SQL is the only way to describe the business logic of a rule. There are some drawbacks:

  • For non-technical person, SQL is hard to write and understand.

  • For some scenarios, SQL is not expressive enough. For example, filter before or after a window; calculate but not select: `SELECT a * 200 AS anotherA, b, c FROM demo WHERE anotherA > b` ; and create complex pipeline.

  • Not easy to generate from UI.

To complement the SQL representation, we plan to provide another business logic presentation model: a graph model to describe the nodes and the DAG by JSON format. This is model which can directly map to a graph in the UI.

Notice that, the Graph API is parallel with SQL. The user can use both ways to create a rule. Internally, SQL queries are converted into a DAG. Thus, it is a subset of graph API.

Proposed API

We extend the rule API to add a field graph. It is mutual exclusive with sql field.

POST http://{{host}}/rules Content-Type: application/json { "id": "rulePv", "graph": {the json to describe a DAG}, || "sql":"", "options":{} // optional }

An example to create a rule with graph API.

POST http://{{host}}/rules Content-Type: application/json { "id": "rulePv", "name": "规则ui", "graph": { "nodes": { "abc": { "type": "source", "nodeType": "mqtt", "props": { "datasource": "demo" } }, "myfilter": { "type": "operator", "nodeType": "filter", "props": { "expr": "temperature > 20" } }, "logfunc": { "type": "operator", "nodeType": "function", "props": { "expr": "log(temperature) as log_temperature" } }, "sinfunc": { "type": "operator", "nodeType": "function", "props": { "expr": "sin(temperature) as sin_temperature" } }, "pick": { "type": "operator", "nodeType": "pick", "props": { "fields": ["log_temperature", "humidity"] } }, "mqttpv": { "type": "sink", "nodeType": "mqtt", "props": { "server": "tcp://syno.home:1883", "topic": "result", "sendSingle": true } }, "mqtt2": { "type": "sink", "nodeType": "mqtt", "props": { "server": "tcp://syno.home:1883", "topic": "result2", "sendSingle": true } } }, "topo": { "sources": ["abc"], "edges": { "abc": ["myfilter", "sinfunc"], "myfilter": ["logfunc"], "logfunc": ["pick"], "pick": ["mqttpv"], "sinfunc": ["mqtt2"] } } } }

Graph model

The graph model is represented by JSON. It is composed by two part:

  • nodes to define each node in the graph with properties.

  • topo to define the pipeline.


All the source/sink and operator or functions can be presented as a node including built-in and plugin. Currently, we only provide nodes which is also shared by SQL. In the future, it is possible to provide more built-in nodes that cannot be mapped to SQL operators.

In the initial version, the below built-in nodes will be provided:

  • Source

    • mqtt

    • edgex

    • zeroMq etc.

  • Sink

    • mqtt

    • file

    • tdengine etc.

  • Operator

    • Function

      • arithmetic

      • string etc.

    • Filter

    • Pick

    • Window

    • Join

    • Group

UI Draft