Proposed Agenda for Project EVE TSC
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Roll call of TSC members
Allen Wittenauer Avi Deitcher Bharani Chadalavada Chirag Kantharia | x Erik Nordmark Gianluca Guida x Gopi Krishna Kodali Greg Chase | x Harihara Subhramanian CS x Kalyan Nidumolu Rob Woolley Roman Shaposhnik | Sahil Satpute Saurabh Singh x Srinibas Maharana Vijay Tapaskar |
Additional attendees:
Acceptance of prior minutes
No dissent.
TSC Decisions & Discussions via Email list
- Controller address and security (Avi)
- structure arguments - pass by reference or pass by value (Sankar)
- Coding convention for EVE - use Ptr suffix for Pointer Variables (Kalyan) (agreed & closed)
- Targeting Xen 4.13 (Roman)
- [FEATURE PROPOSAL] Encrypting Sensitive Information at Rest at the Edge (Harihara) (agreed & closed, related to data security APIs proposal - see below)
- Adding newline at the end of error messages (Roman)
- Proposal for moving datastore configuration handling to downloader (Srinibas) (Agreed & closed)
Old Business
- Project EVE roadmap
- Security of EVE
- Reference controller implementation for EVE API
- Support for additional hypervisors
- Support for additional hardware
- Improve developer-user experience
- Edge Container definition & support
- Action ← Greg to turn the above bullets into a proposed roadmap
- Intra-device state change publish, subscribe, notification (PubSub)
- EVE API discussion: return codes for various operations - API call by API call discussion, will be evolved release by release ← we need to make sure that return codes are correctly documented ← Sankar - still working on this. Updates should go into this document:
- Continue alternating office hours for Europe & Asia friendly times? ← Continue, no dissent
- Proposal for Data Security APIs (Srinibas) ← Greg to organize special proposal review call call with Erik, Srinibas, Hari, Kalyan, Roman are present. Note related to security design proposals.
New Business
- Convention for rounding up email thread discussions: TSC moderator to survey prior email discussions. Mark if thread is open or closed & decided in next month's TSC meeting minutes.