This page serves as a collaborative space to track and discuss the development roadmap for Project Ocre. It includes completed milestones, current development priorities, and community-requested features. All feature requests from the community are reviewed and added through TSC members during technical steering committee meetings. Ideally, the roadmap will be discussed at every meeting to gauge progress and interest from the community.
The roadmap is organized into three main sections:
Current Items: Core functionality is either completed (item will be
struckthrough) or actively in developmentCommunity Requests: Features proposed by the community through TSC members
Timeline & Milestones: Rough estimations for feature completion
Current Items:
Core container executionTimer supportContainer Supervisor state machineOcre containerization image format
Inter container messaging
Networking APIs
Support for WASI-embedded APIs
Additional RTOS Support (Added by Knox Lively )
Ocre TSC/Community Requests:
Linux Support (Added by Dan Dumitriu )
Milestones & Timeline
Q4 2024 (Oct-Dec)
Q1 2025 (Jan-Mar)
Q2 2025 (Apr-Jun)
Q3 2025 (Jul-Sept)
Long-term Goals
Note: These are rough estimates and may be adjusted based on community feedback and development priorities.
Suggest a Feature
Want to contribute to Ocre's development? Here's how:
1. Join the Ocre TSC Mailing List
2. Attend our bi-weekly TSC meetings where community members can present and discuss new feature proposals
3. Present your feature idea, including use case and motivation, technical requirements, and potential implementation approach.
4. The TSC will review and discuss the proposal during the meeting
Note: Timeline estimates and priorities are regularly reviewed and updated during TSC meetings.