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Ocre Project Status Update: [0709:00]

Template @ 10:00



  • Knox provided a recap of the recent updates to the Ocre runtime, including the addition of GPIO support, multi-container support with container messaging, and the upcoming release of these new features. He also noted that they have been squashing bugs and working on porting unit tests from Atym and Ocre. In addition, Knox mentioned that there has been quite an overhaul of the Project in GitHub including adding new issue templates, labels, incorporating the docs repo, as well as the addition of a few new tasks.

UNH-IOL Testing Framework Presentation by Patrick Robb @ 13:15

  • Patrick presented a proposed testing framework that defines key concepts like "test run", "test group", and "test case". The framework outlines rules for how tests should be structured and executed, such as having a logical blocking structure where failed test groups prevent subsequent groups from running. The group discussed considerations around parallelizing tests across multiple boards and handling cleanup/teardown at the test group and test run levels, as well as cleanup routines/tasks and where to properly scope them.

Action Items

  1. Knox Lively to work with Stephen Berard to get the ocre-runtime bug fixed.

  2. Knox Lively to ask Stephen Berard to port unit tests to ocre when we get a chance.


Meeting Materials (recording, transcript, slides, etc.)
