You will need an edge node to interact with the LF Edge Sandbox. There are a number of few options:
1. Bring your qualified device
The Sandbox includes a default set of supported
that can quickly be provisioned. We recommend selecting one of these devices to accelerate your time to application deployments. You can find this list of devices in the Sandbox GUI:
> Marketplace > Models > Global Models (tab)
If you own a device that is not on this list, please see the options below.
2. Reserve an LF Shared Community Lab system.
Coming soon
3. Load EVE-OS on a new device.
Project EVE-OS is designed to run on many different hardware architectures and platforms. Please visit the Project EVEwiki to learn more orGithub to get hands-on.
Controlling Organization
The LF Edge Sandbox controlling organization is the LF Edge TAC, which determines the catalog of Global Marketplace Hardware models.
Need Help?
Please see our support page for help resources.
About the LF Edge Sandbox
Contact Information
For more information, please visit our community slack channel [#lf-edge-sandbox] or post to our email distribution list.