Tech 2022-09-27 Meeting Notes


Sep 27, 2022, 8.30AM PT / 3.30PM UTC / 9.00PM IST

Meeting Link:


Meeting Recording:


@bp (Deactivated)

John Easterday

@John Kuriakose

Chanda B

Randall F Templeton

Mary Abraham 

@Tushar Behera

Benny Davis

Vasavi Vasudevan

@Sven Uthe  

Lorenzo King (Bruce)


  • Integration issues with FDO 1.1

  • Plan for FDO 1.1

  • Improving community engagement

Discussion items

Sl No



Sl No




Opens / updates

  • Update Meeting Goals and Objectives

    • Should we keep this meeting or consolidate with Thursday?

      • Lorenzo - Open to either have the meeting or do an adhoc meet as needed. As long as there is a way for IBM to ask code related, deeper technical questions

      • Team has been scheduling adhoc debug sessions as needed

      • No vote needed. 100% agreement in this meeting to cancel this meeting for

      • Chanda to remove the meeting from the LF Edge calendar

      • Will reinitiate the meeting once we have more attendance


Integration issues with FDO 1.1

  • Lorenzo to setup meeting with IBM product manager and Randy, Vasavi and Chanda

    • To get more info on how long SDO support would be needed

  • IBM is working on moving to FDO 1.1 

    • Integrated with the Demo environment

    • Target production ready by end of Q4, 2022

    • Target Production release will be in Q1, 2023

  • Randy working on setting up an RV server in LF Edge lab ( (80/443)

    • Done & works


Features for FDO 1.1.3

Scheduled for end of Sept 2022

  • MTLS

  • Smaller image for PRI services

  • X5 chain

  • Move from H2 to Maria DB

  • Ubuntu 2204 support

  • Loading key store from file system

  • Self sign certificates will not be allowed by default. Can be done via a config setting


Steps to improve community engagement

  • Respond to interests and questions on slack

    • Encourage interested people to attend the LF Edge FDO/SDO meetings

  • FDO move to Stage 2 - Proposal at the Thursday meeting

  • Visiting colleges, talking to professors for interest

  • Reach out to other open source projects like Gramine, SGX 

Action items

Tushar to provide information about FIDO Alliance Hackathon (to sort out inter operability issues) 
Vasavi to provide updates about short-term/long-term roadmap for FDO
Randy to check on the feasibility of not using CBOR encoded format always and use CBO diagnostics