2024-05-29 Meeting notes for Workload Runtime Security
May 29, 2024 recording: 30 minutes
@Joe Pearson
Demonstrate KubeArmor deployment to:
Kubernetes clusters
bare Linux hosts
Facilitate Day 1 & Day 2 operations on deployed workloads
Integrate with monitoring and observability solutions
Define and deliver an embedded KubeArmor
Discussion items
Goal 1: What is left to do so we can declare success?
Goal 2: Detailed work breakdown should include:
Default hardened security policy
How should Open Horizon service definition files know about a security policy? Assume it can be tied to specific service versions.
Default policies should be able to be public, used by all organizations
Or is this really a property of a deployment policy which may or may not be specific to a node's purpose or other attributes?
What role(s) will likely be involved in maintaining the security policy, mapping it to deployments?
Built-in deployment policy properties
security scans?
Both for services and models
Script to deploy KubeArmor alongside Open Horizon
Any CLI command integration?
GaTech students would like to contribute to this effort
Are there existing issues we could point them to?
Are there small-ish items they could work on, with or without supervision?