2020 Fall Kickoff Virtual Event Series

2020 Fall Kickoff Virtual Event Series

Welcome to the 2020 Fall Kickoff Virtual Event Series for LF Edge Vertical Solutions Focus Groups.


The LF Edge Vertical Solutions Focus Group kickoff is being held in a 2-part event series

  1. Thursday, October 1 (7am - 10:35am PT): Co-located with Open Networking and Edge Summit

    1. Presentation Slides Master Deck / XINHONG - VICS / China MobileIBM - Mayflower Autonomous Ship

    2. Presentation Recording (Coming Soon)

  2. Tuesday, October 20 (8am - 10:30am PT): Co-located with EDGE Computing World

Each event will start with a keynote session, followed by 2 tracks featuring breakout sessions/panels on Edge verticals/use cases.

  • Open Networking and Edge Summit will feature LF Edge Projects: Akraino - feedback as an operator (being the end user proxy)

  • EDGE Computing World will feature LF Edge Projects: Edge/IoT - All Projects with emphasis EdgeX Foundry, Fledge, EVE, OH, SDO - feedback as an end user


NOTE: Each event leverages it's own registration system / virtual event platform (provided by main event producer). If you are interested in participating in both events, please register for both.

  • To register for the October 1, 2020 event, you can add on the event as part of the ONES registration path:

    • Register for ONES ($50) and add-on the Vertical Solutions Event - Register Here or Here

      • Linux Foundation and LF Edge Members are eligible to receive a 20% discount. Please email events@linuxfoundation.org to request the member discount code.

  • To register for the October 20, 2020 event:

    • Please use the following code which will give 50% off the main EDGE Computing World event, and free access to the LFEdge Event: LFEDGEACCESS

    • Step-By-Step Guide:
      - Access registration page here: https://topionetworks.customreg.net/register/f6083fe3-478f-4982-b3e1-fa84357aa4d0
      - Input the promo code: LFEDGEACCESS
      - Select the LFEdge Summit Package
      - For access to full conference select the "Everything Edge Pass - Upgrade" (50% discount applied already)
      - Check out.


Oct 1, 2020 - Open Networking and Edge Summit







7 - 745AM PDT


Topic: Overview of LF Edge and Vertical Solution Focus Groups

Presenters: Arpit Joshipura (Linux Foundation) and Jason Shepherd (ZEDEDA)

745 - 805AM PDT

Track 1

Use Case: Automotive

Presenter: Zhuming Zhang (Xinhong)

Additional Information: The topic of the presentation is about the status quo, development trend and challenges of China's I-VICS. From the perspectives of technical routes, policies and regulations, market applications, industrial chains and value chains, this presentation introduces the current situation and development trends of China's intelligent networked vehicles, and analyzes the challenges and opportunities faced by China's I-VICS.

805 - 825AM PDT

Track 1

Use Case: Manufacturing/Industrial

Presenter: Sriram Rupanagunta (Aarna Networks)

Additional Information: In this presentation, you will learn how 5G tenables Industry 4.0, in relation to Manufacturing. We will present the challenges faced in Application Management of Industry 4.0, and how they can be addressed using the popular open source solutions that provide orchestration and automation of the applications at the edge. You will also be learning about some of the public POC (Proof of concept) projects which are being worked on, in the domain of application orchestration and automation. 

825 - 855AM PDT

Track 1

Use Case: Telco

Presenter: Yanjun Chen (China Mobile)

Additional Information: This presentation is about to give a sharing on progress and visions from China Mobile on edge computing, including edge computing services strategy, the technical focus, and the vertical solutions development roadmap. In addition, you will see varieties of edge computing service trials made by China Mobile and 3’rd party partners as well as the new practice on business incubation

855 - 925AM PDT

Track 1

Use Case: Transportation and Logistics

Presenters: Eric Aquaronne (IBM), Naeem Altaf (IBM)

Additional Information:

An ultimate Edge, the Mayflower.
This ship is an implementation of a totally explanable AI on an edge that is not always connected, and that will navigate the oceans to collect environmental Science.
We will cover the mission , the maker (this is not made by IBM), the challenges
Then the functional building blocks : what they do and where they are in this really hybrid thing
Get ready this one is going to revolutionize an industry :-) not a project, a reality now

925AM - 10AM PDT 

Keynote / Closing

Panel: Meeting at the Edge - Cross community collaboration to define Telecom Edge Reference Architectures

Presenters: Ahmad ElSwaf (Saudi Telecom), Beth Cohn (Verizon), Sukhdev Kapur (Juniper)

Additional Information: Learn how the CNTT and LF Edge communities have joined forces to define the infrastructures required to support distributed Telecom workloads.  The need to rapidly build out infrastructure to support 5G, IoT and other distributed network types, means the Telecom operators and vendors must collaborate on defining a standard reference model that supports not only  the core , but quantifies the Edge at the same time.   This panel of operators and vendors representing the CNTT and LF Edge communities will discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in incorporating all the sometimes conflicting requirements.

Oct 20, 2020 - EDGE Computing World




Session Status (Pending/Confirmed)

Presentation Slides / Recording




Session Status (Pending/Confirmed)

Presentation Slides / Recording

8-840AM PDT


Topic: Overview of LF Edge and Vertical Solution Focus Groups

Presenters: Arpit Joshipura (Linux Foundation) and Jason Shepherd (ZEDEDA)


845-915AM PDT

Track 1

Use Case: Oil and Gas

Presenters: Jason Shepherd (ZEDEDA/Project EVE), Obinna Ilochonwu (Schlumberger)

Additional Information:

Fireside Chat: Leveraging open source to accelerate digital transformation in Oil and Gas.

Discussion on the broader opportunities and challenges in oil and gas and how Schlumberger and Agora are tapping into various technologies to accelerate digital transformation for their customers. This includes solutions that leverage open source software, such as LF Edge’s Project EVE.


920-950AM PDT

Track 1

Use Case: Energy

Presenter: Benoit Jeanson (RTE France)

Additional Information:

To operate a power grid, control centers rely on equipment data collected from the field. Operators and or automation equipment trigger control commands to adapt the grid to different operational situations. Some of the challenges power system operators face are:
• Ensure that the topology of the grid allows the power to be transmitted from the generation location to the consumption one in a secured manner - ie adapt the position (on/off) of the switches (breakers and disconnectors) to optimize the flows and voltages with these levers,
• ensure that the power system is balanced - meaning that in real time the generation meets the demand
• monitor the grid equipment to assess their health indexes.

A series of various protocols are implemented from low level (close to the equipment: IEC 104, IEC 61850, and others) to high-level ones (communication between operation centers, and intermediate nodes: OPC-UA, TASE.2, also seen here EC 104).
The project uses fledge as the core framework for the gateways deployed at the edge level (substations) as well as at a central level (inter operation centers communication).


955-1025AM PDT

Track 1

Use Case: Energy. Fledge - Transforming Transmission and Distribution Monitoring in Energy Substations

Presenters: Michael Eaton (Jacksonville Energy Authority) + Robert Raesemann (Jacksonville Energy Authority)

Additional Information:  JEA deployed Fledge 18 months ago and continues to scale-up and scale-out the system. Fledge is used for conditioned based monitoring of JEAs many substations. Fledge connects, buffers, transforms and forwards data from different sensors and equipment types including: gas detection, transformer sensors, IR cameras, current meters, switches and more on the south end. Fledge then integrates the "smarter" edge data with various OT systems including: OSIsoft PI, AWS, Oracle, Influx DB and more. JEA continues to expand its use of Fledge to more substations and with new vibration monitoring and edge ML trials in its, water and waste water business. Joining Michael Eaton will be Robert Raesemann, JEA's OT system integrator and contributor to the Fledge Project.


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