Lab Resources

The following / below pages document the current lab resources that can be scheduled with the Shared Community Lab.  Below each resource, projects are encouraged to add pages to document their usage and work with the resource.  This can help serve as future guidance for others using the same resource or trying to reproduce a previous setup or project. 

To schedule or reserve a resource, please use the laboratory dashboard:  Instructions for how to use the online dashboard.

Host & Pod Access

This will be slightly different for each pod, but each pod will have an IPMI/LOM connection available.  This connection will be reachable through the VPN and from the public network of the pod, and can be used to control the automated install or deployment onto the pod, depending on the desired blueprint.  Each pod has its own documentation page in this wiki space.


Pod Name

Host Site

Hardware Description

Pod Name

Host Site

Hardware Description

Dell Server #1


  • Dell R740

    • Note, this server is supported by the LF Edge Sandbox and can be provisioned with EVE OS.

Dell Server #2


  • Dell R740

    • Note, this server is supported by the LF Edge Sandbox and can be provisioned with EVE OS.

Open Horizon Management Hub Developer Instance


  • 3x Virtual Resource (VM)

Intel Pod 1


  • 3x Intel LWF2208IR540605

  • 2x Intel NUC8i3CYSM

  • 2x NUCi7BEK

Intel Pod 2


  • 1x Intel LWF2208IR540605

  • 2x Intel LWF2208IR540606

Resource Directory