TSC 2023-02-15

BRIDGE:   https://zoom.us/j/98088624017

Meeting Notes:

SOTE  Report 2023 Content Dicussion:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p9Ay5ENlpkJnutPar0XOTNRzyLHMrZYiFP3Y3A9vCOM/edit

Discussed what a typical chapter flow should look like and what points should be covered. The developing flow is as follows:

Chapter Flow : 

  • Key Stakeholders and Dynamics

  • Major Trends

  • Major Developments in the last 1 year

  • Diagrams to summarize both the Topology and Dynamics (at high level, not at a specific solution level)

  • Main Use-cases

    • Benefits and ROI for use cases

    • Market opportunity for use cases ($)

  • Challenges faced by stakeholders

  • Solutions – We can talk about the role of Open Source SW and projects

  • Security Angle: Security challenges and solutions


Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Hakan Sonmez


Daniel Lazaro


Rob Raesemann

Raesemann Enterprises

Sunny Cai

Linux Foundation

Jill Lovato

Linux Foundation

Kendall Waters Perez

Linux Foundation


Agenda Items

Presented By



Agenda Items

Presented By



Open discussion about topics and sections covered in each chapter of the report


Document for Topics discussion:


Sheet for submitters list for Postcards from Edge (short essays)


Daniel Lazaro and Rob Raesemann - Topics to cover for Industrial Edge

  • Challenges to be solved


    • IT/OT convergence


    • Skills Gap in Industrial Tools -  OT people have gaps in IT tools, e.g., Python, C++ 


    • Linux vs Windows challenge


    • How projects can cooperate

  • Operators vs Developers - Provide Operators with no-code/ low-code tools (high levels tools needed) 

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)