Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
Voting Members
Tom Arthur -
Daniel Lazaro - @Daniel Lazaro
Akli Rahmoun -
Robert Raesemann - - Co-Chair
Mark Riddoch - - Co-Chair
Mike Styer -
Mailing List
To join,
Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Meeting Minutes are recorded here:
Meeting Time
The TSC meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 10am PT (find your local time here)
The next TSC call is scheduled for Wednesday, July 28th at 10am PT
To subscribe to the TSC meeting calendar, please follow the steps below:
Subscribe to TSC mail list at
From, select Calendar from the menu on the left
At the bottom of the Calendar, select "Subscribe to Calendar"
Add the iCalendar URL to your calendar
10am PT Meeting Info
LF Edge Working Group is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Fledge TSC Meeting
Time: Oct 28, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Fourth Wed, until May 22, 2024, 44 occurrence(s)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 222 310 096
Passcode: 048702
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Meeting ID: 222 310 096
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Previous TSC Calls - Meeting Slides and Recordings
January 25, 2023: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
December 21, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
November 23, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
October 26, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
September 28, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
August 24, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
July 27, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
June 22, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
May 25, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
April 26, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
March 23, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
February 23, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
January 26, 2022: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
December 22, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
November 24, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
October 27, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
September 22, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording, Sebastians slides
August 25, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
July 29, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
June 23, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
May 26, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
April 28, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
March 24, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
February 24, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
January 27, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
January 6, 2021: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
November 25, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
October 28, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
September 23, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
August 26, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
July 22, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
June 24, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording
May 27, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording (Password: 7r#o$cL&)
April 22, 2020: Slides, Minutes, Meeting Recording (Password: 2b!6^@9^)