Using Eden for ZCloud onboarding for RPi4.

Using Eden for ZCloud onboarding for RPi4.


One RPi4 connected to DHCP via cable and able to perform outbound connections to the Internet.

Step 0: 

Install prerequisites for Eden: 


Step 1:  Download Eden and build it: 

git clone https://github.com/lf-edge/eden.git
cd eden make clean
make build

Step 2: Create an image for RPi4. Set up some unique soft-serial (Here it will be 1234567): 

./eden config add default --devmodel RPi4

./eden setup --zedcontrol=zedcloud.zededa.net  --soft-serial=1234567

You will get some onboarding info and path from Eden. Record it somewhere. You will need it later.

Step 3: Burn the image to the RPI SD card. You may use Balena Etcher or just dd

NOTE!!! If your SD card is not empty write an empty 1GB block there or do a full (not quick) format!!! (E.g. using dd) 

or dd (for Mac)

Step 4: Login to Zcloud and use Add Edge Node https://zedcontrol.zededa.net/edge-nodes/add

Put the  obtained information to the Zedcloud

Note to check Activate edge Node

Step 5: Insert SD card into RPI and power it on. 


P.S. Make sure you have a good power supply for RPI and that it doesn't reboot every now and then.

In about 10 minutes you will have your node status GREEN... 

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