The Developer Examples Working Group exists to demonstrate the features of the Open Horizon platform by creating easy to use microservices and applications.
Working Group Creation Date: July 15, 2020
Working Group Chair: Troy Fine
Let Troy Fine or Joe Pearson know if you would like to be added as a maintainer...
Developer Examples mail alias:
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open-horizon-examples chat room:
Developer Examples Meetings are open to the public, and are held every other week.
Developer Examples Working Group meetings are held every other Tuesday at 11:00am PT (find your local time here)
To subscribe to the meeting invitation, please visit Community Meetings & Calendar:
LF Edge Working Group 2 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Open Horizon Developer Examples WG Meeting
Time: Sep 29, 2020 08:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every 2 weeks on Tue, until Aug 16, 2022, 50 occurrence(s)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 911 6567 9308
Passcode: 167434
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Meeting ID: 911 6567 9308
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July 21, 2020: Recording,
August 4, 2020: Recording
August 18, 2020: Recording
September 15, 2020: Recording
October 13, 2020: Recording,
December 8, 2020: Recording, Slides
January 19, 2021: Recording
February 5, 2021: Recording
March 1, 2022: Recording, Slides, Mentee Orientation
June 21, 2022: Recording
August 1, 2023: Slides,
September 26, 2023: Recording
September 24, 2024: , Recording and transcript
October 8, 2024: , Recording and transcript
October 22, 2024: Recording and transcript,
November 19, 2024:
December 3, 2024: , Recording and transcript