The LF Edge Sandbox includes a Global Marketplace includes a list of applications approved by the LF Edge TAC and maintained by the application project or owner. This global marketplace is available to all users and provides rapid path for deploying applications.
This document describes the process for adding and removing global marketplace applications and is intended for LF Edge Project owners and sponsors. If you are a user of the system, you can learn more about marketplaces here [/sandbox/applications].
The process for adding an application to the LF Edge Sandbox Global Marketplace is summarized below.
Step 1: Complete a Global Marketplace Request form
Application owners can express intent to bring an application to the global marketplace by expressing interest on the TAC mailing list with a completed a Global Marketplace Request form
Step 2: TAC Approval based upon entry criteria
The LF Edge Sandbox is intended to help developers explore LF Edge projects and technologies. To create a compelling experience for developers, the TAC may choose to include other open-source or commercial applications.
The entry criteria for application into the LF Edge global marketplace are as follows:
The LF Edge TAC has final authority over decisions regarding the inclusion of applications into the LF Edge global marketplace.
Step 3: Perform the technical integration steps
You will need to integrate and test your application in your private marketplace. Once you’ve completed all the testing, you can apply to the TAC for promotion to the global marketplace. In general, the TAC expects application owners to:
Step 4: Submit a Global Marketplace promotion request to the TAC
With a fully functional and documented application workflow you can submit a request to the TAC for promotion to the global marketplace. It is expected that you will be able to demonstrate the following:
Upon approval, your application will be transferred from your private marketplace to the global marketplace.
The LF Edge Sandbox controlling organization is the LF Edge TAC []. Please reach out to that team with any problems or questions regarding the usage of the LF Edge Sandbox.
About the LF Edge Sandbox
The LF Edge Sandbox is a free SaaS service provided by ZEDEDA that interoperates with your edge hardware running project EVE. This service interacts with edge nodes running project EVE software. Once associated, you can deploy other LF Edge projects from the global marketplace combined with any application you upload to your private marketplace.