eden config delete --name config2
Current variant of contexts github:
eden context - show current context
eden context list - show all available contexts
eden context add NAME - add context with name NAME and default config
eden context add NAME CONFIG_FILE.yml - add context with name NAME and config from CONFIG_FILE.yml
eden context set NAME - set NAME as current context
eden config get (–-name --key –-all)
Config commands
About configs:
- Default configs are generated by default. Default config is generated upon make build.
- eden config init - generates default config and replaces it if exists
- eden config add <name> - adds the new config copied from default context. Name is required.
- --file option - adds from file.
- If the config with <name> exists return that it already exists
- --usediff If we have config.yml then we push the difference to config.
- eden config delete <name> - removes the config. Name is required.
- eden config set <name> - sets the config to <name>. Name is required.
- eden config list - displays the config
- eden config get <name> - gets the config <name>.
- Omitted <name>- gets the current config
- --all -gets the config from file
- --key - shows the param
- eden start has the option of --config <name> or --config-file <path>
On eden init:
eden config init
Now context is stored in ./eden/contexts/<name.yml>
local files that are downloaded or used for environment/context are stored in ./eden/context-files/<context-name>/
make clean - cleans all
eden clean - cleans all except eden
eden config clean - cleans all configs (asks yes /no)
#config is generated by eden adam: #tag on adam container to pull tag: 0.0.36 #location of adam dist: adam #port of adam port: 3333 #domain of adam domain: mydomain.adam #ip of adam for EVE access eve-ip: #ip of adam for EDEN access ip: #force adam rebuild force: true #certificate for communication with adam ca: adam/run/config/root-certificate.pem #use remote adam remote: true #use v1 api v1: true eve: #devmodel devmodel: Qemu #EVE arch (amd64/arm64) arch: amd64 #EVE os (linux/darwin) os: linux #EVE acceleration (set to false if you have problems with qemu) accel: true #variant of hypervisor of EVE (kvm/xen) hv: kvm #serial number in SMBIOS serial: 31415926 #onboarding certificate of EVE to put into adam cert: certs/onboard.cert.pem #EVE pid file pid: eve.pid #EVE log file log: eve.log #EVE firmware firmware: eve/dist/amd64/OVMF.fd #eve repo used in clone mode (eden.download = false) repo: https://github.com/lf-edge/eve.git #eve tag tag: 5ee6043906449f7fa3447c96fd38dc9a536c5693 #eve tag for base os base-tag: 571d94a11fa19d79805a0465030175b7257d343b #eve version (without hv and os) base-version: 0.0.0-snapshot-master-93c2dbb2-2020-05-08.13.15 #forward of ports in qemu [(HOST:EVE)] hostfwd: 2222: 22 5912: 5901 5911: 5900 8027: 8027 8028: 8028 #location of eve directory dist: eve #location of EVE base os directory base-dist: evebaseos #file to save qemu config qemu-config: /home/fleandr/.eden/qemu.conf #uuid of EVE to use in cert uuid: 54236a31-7ddb-4610-ba68-9d9a1db17e24 #live image of EVE image-file: eve/dist/amd64/live.qcow2 #dtb directory of EVE dtb-part: #config part of EVE config-part: adam/run/config eden: #root directory of eden root: /home/fleandr/eden2/eden/dist images: #directory to save images dist: images #yml to build docker image docker: /home/fleandr/eden2/eden/images/docker/alpine/alpine.yml #yml to build vm image vm: /home/fleandr/eden2/eden/images/vm/alpine/alpine.yml #download eve instead of build download: true #eserver is tool for serve images eserver: #ip (domain name) of eserver for EVE access ip: mydomain.adam #port for eserver port: 8888 #pid for eserver pid: eserver.pid #log of eserver log: eserver.log #directory to save certs certs-dist: certs #directory to save binaries bin-dist: bin #ssh-key to put into EVE ssh-key: certs/id_rsa.pub #observe logs in tests logs: false #eden binary eden-bin: eden #test binary test-bin: eden.integration.test #test script test-script: eden.integration.tests.txt