- Default configs are generated by default. Default config pattern is generated upon make build and stored in eden folder. Also the .
- eden config add default command is executed.Default config init - generates default config and replaces it if exists
- eden config add <name> - adds the new config copied from default context. Name is required.
- --file option - adds from file.
- If the config with <name> exists return that it already exists
- --usediff If we have config.yml then we push the difference to config.
- eden config delete <name> - removes the config. Name is required.
- eden config set <name> - sets the config to <name>. Name is required.
- eden config list - displays the config
- eden config get <name> - gets the config <name>.
- Omitted <name>- gets the current config
- --all -gets the config from file
- --key - shows the param
- eden start has the option of --config <name> or --config-file <path>
On eden init:
eden config init
Now context is stored in ./eden/contexts/<name.yml>