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Meeting Time: 07:00 PT / 10:00 ET / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST (See call time in different zones)


Table of Contents

Meeting Recording:

Antitrust Disclaimer




Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 

Partner Representatives





Working Group


Nathan Phelps


Alexander Scheel (TSC Chair)

Development WG


James Butcher 

Brad Corrion

IOTech Systems

alain nochimowski 

Dan Ghita


Julien Cassignol 

Cristian Popi


Non-TSC observers:


Agenda Items

Presented By





Announcement and Issues

  • Michael Maxey has stepped down from the TSC (thread).

    • Alex to follow up to confirm Zededa is stepping down vs nominating a replacement.

  • OpenBao v2.0.1 (with a fix for k8s tagging) has been released!

    • v2.1.0 will be our next release if all goes well, with transactional storage as the upcoming major feature.

  • Alex: Vote on Maintainership process proposal (gist)?

    • Presented to community on 8/29/24 meeting.

    • Alex to contact Kendall Perez to arrange ML vote to include Wallix.

  • Alex: Vote for replacement TSC Chair. One nominee, Alex.

    • Alex to contact Kendall Perez to arrange ML vote to include Wallix.

  • Alex: Vote to Alex: Regarding roadmap item of the plugin registry (lead by Jan), LF leadership will be here next meeting to discuss policy requirements.

  • Alex: Dave Dykstra has applied to be a repository-level committer for JWT plugin. As he’s otherwise qualified and has contributed upstream to the JWT plugin and to Vault, l believe we’ll need a TSC vote as he’s not been a moderator for 90 days as we’ve had no moderators. First PR was on May 8th (210 days) and participates frequently in community calls and adhoc calls on features with Dan and myself. Anyone in favor of an exception per policy?

  • Alex: Vote to form WG on TSC Membership process?

    • Note: LF Edge requires at least 5 TSC members (from any affiliation) for project maturity.

    • Dan, James would happily be involved with WG.

    • Alex to kick that off.(9/26): No takers via email, but here’s a proposal (gist, email). Do we want to vote on it?

  • Alex: Did we want to vote on support/EoL policy for OpenBao (see email) from last meeting, or OK with it as consensus?

    • Alex: Will revisit next meeting (10/10) to give more time to review.

  • Alex: Roadmap & Project Direction (gist, thread: Dev WG charter drafted by Dan and approved by Dev WG; want TSC’s approval: (email).

  • Alex

    to contact Kendall Perez to arrange ML vote to include Wallix.
  • Alex: Considering starting a project blog; objections?

    • James: Sounds good, helps build momentum.

  • Alex: Dev WG charter is WIP by Dan. Will approve in the Dev WG but then ask for TSC's electronic vote to ratify it. Created a new repo for our WG: 

  • SAP: Introduction



  • TSC Chair

    • Nominees:

      • Alex Scheel


Upcoming Events

  • Open Source Summit Europe - Sept 16 - 18, 2024 - Vienna, Austria

    • EdgeX to attend and talk about OpenBao and their migration.

    • Alex did not have travel budget.

  • : Vote to include GitLab under above TSC Membership process?

  • Alain & Alex: Mission statements are inconsistent between charter and lf edge.

    • Charter: The mission of the Project is to provide a solution to manage (generate, store, distribute) software secrets, including passwords, certificates, keys and access tokens.

    • Website: OpenBao exists to maintain and improve a software solution to manage, store, and distribute sensitive data including secrets, certificates, and keys. The OpenBao community will provide this software under an OSI-approved open-source license, led by a community run under open governance principles.

    • Motion: Update website with Charter’s version.




Upcoming Events

  • KubeCon                                     - Nov 12 - 15, 2024 - Salt Lake City, UT, USA

    • GitLab is sponsoring, Jocelyn will be in attendance.

  • FOSDEM '25 - (unknown dates, likely FebruaryFeb 1 - 2, 2025), Brussels

    • Jan Martens from Dev WG wants to attend.

    • Alex looking to attend, but may wait for CFP.

    • Stands deadline is Nov 7th.

  • Open Source Summit NA - Jun 23-25, 2024 - Denver, CO, USA




Next Meeting

  • October 10thNovember 14th, 2024

Action Items (Open Action Item Tracker)
