\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Broken links and orphan pages
Review Cluster Sizing page for appropriateness
Installing the CLI (separate page?)
Assumes an admin has given person a specific file - is that common or the right use case?
I was assuming a developer, maybe using the all-in-one, was wanting to develop on a local machine.
For new users, do we provide a good overview?
Is there a good diagram showing an overview of responsibilities (besides the component diagram), similar to this one? https://open-horizon.github.io/docs/hub/hub/
Here’s one: https://open-horizon.github.io/docs/installing/edge_devices/
Similar chart for Edge Clusters: https://open-horizon.github.io/docs/installing/edge_clusters/
Good one for developing: https://open-horizon.github.io/docs/developing/developing/ and https://open-horizon.github.io/docs/developing/developing_clusters/
✅ Action items
⤴ Decisions