Goal: LF Edge scaling demo for ONES in Los Angeles (April 2020)
2020 TAC Focus Areas this WG will address
- Architecture (to include whitepaper(s))
- Demo across projects
Mailing List
To join, https://lists.lfedge.org/g/TAC-Architecture-WG
Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Meeting Minutes are recorded here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ijwVYgtcP8YpIEUb7YOjzmxbzBda4SAGzUaQ1AjWKic/edit#heading=h.en8cy6hno0c6
Meeting Time
The next TAC Architecture WG call is scheduled for December 17 at 1pm PST (find your local time here)
Meeting Info
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 393 937 531871 860 638
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Meeting ID: 393 937 531871 860 638
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adELDV92sh