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Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: <todo>

Date of Submission:  

Submitted by: Rahul Jadhav


<Please fill out the above fields, and the Overview, Design and User Experience sections below for an initial review of the proposed feature.>

Scope and Signoff: (to be filled out by Chair)

<Please fill out the Overview, Design and User Experience sections for an initial review of the proposed feature.>


A mailing list for this sub-group has been created at and you can subscribe to the meeting calendar there, or by sending an email to

<Briefly describe the problem being solved, not how the problem is solved, just focus on the problem. Think about why the feature is needed, and what is the relevant context to understand the problem.>

OpenHorizon provides the ability to flexibly deploy edge workloads by providing its own orchestrating elements. As an edge service provider who uses OpenHorizon this provides immense flexibility in deploying and managing edge operations.


  • Principle of least privilege: Provide edge node components and external interfaces only the required access and deny everything else.
  • Defense in Depth: Multi layered defense techniques to delay or prevent a cyber attack in the industrial network
  • Risk Analysis: Practice used to address risks related to production infrastructure, production capacity etc


<Describe how the problem is fixed. Include all affected components. Include diagrams for clarity. This should be the longest section in the document. Use the sections below to call out specifics related to each aspect of the overall system, and refer back to this section for context. Provide links to any relevant external information.>

OH Anax and Edge workload security design

OpenHorizon-AnyLog Integration.drawio original file for any modifications if needed.

Deployment Design


User Experience

<Describe which user roles are related to the problem AND the solution, e.g. admin, deployer, node owner, etc. If you need to define a new role in your design, make that very clear. Remember this is about what a user is thinking when interacting with the system before and after this design change. This section is not about a UI, it's more abstract than that. This section should explain all the aspects of the proposed feature that will surface to users.>

Edge Node Deployment (Day 1)

On the target edge node, native (non-containerized) anax and KubeArmor agents

Working assumptions

  • We are setting a precedent for installation of optional third-party components
  • To simplify the installation process, keep each operation atomic, and to allow components to be installed in any order, all component installations will be decoupled from the base anax installation.
  • The process should also function if a person is "bringing their own already-installed component" and we are just integrating anax with a pre-existing KubeArmor installation.
  • The default case will be based on native applications, not containerized versions, although both options or a mix thereof should work.
  • The integration should also be easily reversible.

anax agent installation

Today, installing the agent on the target device involves running the "" script as documented at Automated agent installation and registration.  At this point, we are assuming that no signal needs to be sent to this installation script and process to notify it that KubeArmor should also be installed.  If that were the case, we should consider a flag in the form of an installation argument or an environment variable.  This will allow us to decouple the process of installing KubeArmor as an optional security component.

KubeArmor agent installation

Instead of altering the "" script to trigger the KubeArmor installation process, we are proposing that a completely separate script be created that will install a native KubeArmor application, and then signal to anax that it has been installed and is ready to use.  This assumes that anax has already been installed and configured, but does not need to be registered with an exchange for KubeArmor to be installed.  In fact, if we are proposing to create or modify the node policy file, it is better if the anax agent is not currently registered.

On the target cluster

Remote, zero-touch provisioning (FDO)

Deployment UX

  1. Should we consider k8s mode of deployment or pure-containerized mode of deployment? KubeArmor works best with k8s mode of deployment and is the recommended mode. Having said that, the previous integration/demo/POC done with OH was in pure-containerized mode.
  2. How would the deployment of KubeArmor on the target edge node happen? Will it be deployed as a separate workload with its own control plane or will it be integrated into the same control plane as that of OH?
    1. There is a value in keeping KubeArmor and associated tooling decoupled from Anax and OH Management Hub. This would allow independent updates and essentially the security should be considered as one more addon from the service provider side of things.
    2. The real challenge here is how would OH framework allow extensions to be built to integrate third party tooling?
  3. Ship the hardening policies along with the KubeArmor installation.


charisse Security guidelines for workload creators - discussion

Command Line Interface

<Describe any changes to the hzn CLI, including before and after command examples for clarity. Include which users will use the changed CLI. This section should flow very naturally from the User Experience section.>

  1. How to extend Anax cli and integrate with karmor cli? Can we expect the user to have two clis? Does Anax cli offer pluggable interfaces?
  2. The policy add/delete/update/list should be handled through this cli.

External Components

<Describe any new or changed interactions with components that are not the agent or the management hub.>

Affected Components

<List all of the internal components (agent, MMS, Exchange, etc) which need to be updated to support the proposed feature. Include a link to the github epic for this feature (and the epic should contain the github issues for each component).>


<Describe any related security aspects of the solution. Think about security of components interacting with each other, users interacting with the system, components interacting with external systems, permissions of users or components>


<Describe and new/changed/deprecated APIs, including before and after snippets for clarity. Include which components or users will use the APIs.>

Build, Install, Packaging

<Describe any changes to the way any component of the system is built (e.g. agent packages, containers, etc), installed (operators, manual install, batch install, SDO), configured, and deployed (consider the hub and edge nodes).>

Documentation Notes

<Describe the aspects of documentation that will be new/changed/updated. Be sure to indicate if this is new or changed doc, the impacted artifacts (e.g. technical doc, website, etc) and links to the related doc issue(s) in github.>


<Summarize new automated tests that need to be added in support of this feature, and describe any special test requirements that you can foresee.>