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Submitted by: David Booz (

Affiliation(s): IBM

Date of Submission:  

Sponsor User: IBM

<Please fill out the above fields, and the Overview, Design and User Experience sections below for an initial review of the proposed feature.>

Scope and Signoff: (to be filled out by Chair)



<Briefly describe the problem being solved, not how the problem is solved, just focus on the problem. Think about why the feature is needed, and what is the relevant context to understand the problem.>

Support for independent and autonomous AI and ML model deployment was added to OpenHorizon a few years ago. Since that time, support for edge nodes which are manifest as Kubernetes clusters has also been added. However, when the edge cluster support was added, there was not sufficient time and resource to support model deployment to edge clusters. This design proposes to address that problem by introducing model deployment to edge clusters.


  • Enable policy based deployment of models to edge clusters, with no changes to the existing model policy schema.
  • Enable deployed applications to receive models and model updates using the same APIs used by applications which run on an edge device.


<Describe how the problem is fixed. Include all affected components. Include diagrams for clarity. This should be the longest section in the document. Use the sections below to call out specifics related to each aspect of the overall system, and refer back to this section for context. Provide links to any relevant external information.>

Receiving models

On edge devices, when a service is started by the agent, it is provided with a URL, login credentials, and an SSL certificate for accessing the ESS API. The ESS API is the means by which the service can poll for new and updated models. The URL and SSL certificate are the same for every service that is started on a given agent. The login credentials are unique to each service instance, and are the means of identifying which models the service is able to receive. The URL is provided through OpenHorizon platform environment variables (HZN_ESS_API_PROTOCOL, HZN_ESS_API_ADDRESS, HZN_ESS_API_PORT), the login credentials and SLL cert are mounted to the service container at a location indicated by two other environment variables; HZN_ESS_AUTH and HZN_ESS_CERT. Please note that the SSL cert does not contain a private key, it is a client side cert. The only truly sensitive information is the login credentials.


This k8s service definition includes a few notable aspects:

  1. The API host name provided to the application is the field; HZN_ESS_API_ADDRESS = "agent-service"
  2. The API protocol is https; HZN_ESS_API_PROTOCOL="https"
  3. The API port is 8443; HZN_ESS_API_PORT=8443
  4. This k8s service is attached to an app called "agent" which is the app name given to the agent when it is installed.
  5. This service is defined in the "openhorizon-agent" k8s namespace.

In order for the above settings to be variable, i.e. set by the agent installer, the k8s service definition above needs to be conditioned to reflect those differences before it is installed to the edge cluster.

User Experience

<Describe which user roles are related to the problem AND the solution, e.g. admin, deployer, node owner, etc. If you need to define a new role in your design, make that very clear. Remember this is about what a user is thinking when interacting with the system before and after this design change. This section is not about a UI, it's more abstract than that. This section should explain all the aspects of the proposed feature that will surface to users.>

As an org admin, I want to write a model deployment policy that targets a service that is deployed to an edge cluster.


As a node owner, I want the agent installed and configured on an edge cluster to automatically support deployment of models to services that run on my edge cluster.

Command Line Interface

<Describe any changes to the hzn CLI, including before and after command examples for clarity. Include which users will use the changed CLI. This section should flow very naturally from the User Experience section.>


External Components

<Describe any new or changed interactions with components that are not the agent or the management hub.>


Affected Components

<List all of the internal components (agent, MMS, Exchange, etc) which need to be updated to support the proposed feature. Include a link to the github epic for this feature (and the epic should contain the github issues for each component).>

Agent (the k8s agent container)

Agent install


<Describe any related security aspects of the solution. Think about security of components interacting with each other, users interacting with the system, components interacting with external systems, permissions of users or components>


<Describe and new/changed/deprecated APIs, including before and after snippets for clarity. Include which components or users will use the APIs.>


Build, Install, Packaging

<Describe any changes to the way any component of the system is built (e.g. agent packages, containers, etc), installed (operators, manual install, batch install, SDO), configured, and deployed (consider the hub and edge nodes).>

Documentation Notes

<Describe the aspects of documentation that will be new/changed/updated. Be sure to indicate if this is new or changed doc, the impacted artifacts (e.g. technical doc, website, etc) and links to the related doc issue(s) in github.>

Edge cluster agent install


<Summarize new automated tests that need to be added in support of this feature, and describe any special test requirements that you can foresee.>