- On your computer, navigate in your terminal application to the location where you would like place EVE and Eden
- Clone Eden's github
git clone https://github.com/lf-edge/eden.git
cd eden Build Eden
make clean <--This cleans up if you have already built something and does nothing if you haven't
make build
./eden config add default --devmodel RPi4* Add Optional: Add the xen flag if you want to use Xen as your hypervisor, skip to step 5 if you want to use kvm
./eden config add second --devmodel RPi4RPi4 //Not sure if this is needed..
./eden config set default --key eve.hv --value=xen*Optional: Enable WiFi
./eden config add default --devmodel=RPi4 --ssid=<mywifinet> --password=<mypass> //no quotation marks around the SSID or Password unless there is a spaceBuild the EVE image and start eden
./eden setup
./eden start
- The final part is to push Windows from Eden to EVE on your RPi.
./eden pod deploy -p 8027:3389 docker://itmoeve/eci-windows:2004-compressed-arm64 --vnc-display=1 --memory=6GB --cpus=2
The memory = 6 GB flag means that you are telling EVE to give Windows 6 GB of RAM, thus if you are running on a 4 GB RPi, you will want to reduce this to 3 GB. The more memory that you give to Windows, the better it will perform, but you will want to save 1 GB for EVE. EVE only needs a little less than 500 MB, but save 1 GB. Also, remember if you are going to put other applications on EVE, you will need to save memory for them. - Deploying Windows to EVE will take a while. To check on the progress use the pod ps command.
./eden pod ps
The results will start with the "percent downloaded", then "loading", "creating volume", and "finally running".